As part of their January campaign to bring awareness to human trafficking, Women At Risk, International is hosting a self-defense class for adults (Courtesy, WAR, Int’l)
The self-defense class will be led by Luanne Shaw (DNP, RN, Certified ATA Instructor), from 2-4 p.m. at War Chest Boutique, located at 2790 44th St SW in Wyoming. Participants must be 18 years of age or older. Attendance is free, however, registration is required.
Instructor qualifications
Luanne Shaw is a third degree black belt in Songham Taekwondo, black belt in Shinsei Arnis, and has taken certification in Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention (SHARP). She has been involved in martial arts instruction and training, including weapons and self-defense training, over the past 20 years.
Shaw holds her Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree in health systems leadership and teaches for several universities in nursing and health topics. Her nursing career includes practice in Emergency, Cardiovascular, professional development (education) and home/agency staff relief.
What to expect
Class participants will receive training that covers highlights on the impact of stress/fear on how one responds to threats in their environment, practical discussion, tactics to keep one safer in society, and physical skills to defend oneself against unwanted touch, potential attack or abduction.
Class participants will be taught physical skills to defend oneself (Courtesy,
There will be an opportunity to practice some physical skills, though practice is not required. Many skills can be modified to meet a participant’s physical ability.
Peruse the boutique before or after the event to see products made by, or sold in support of, at-risk and rescued individuals from around the world (#shoptorescue).
Registration details
Register for this free event here. Registration will remain open until the class is full (maximum of 50 attendees).
Women at Risk, International (WAR, Int’l) will lead a teen class on the true nature and dangers of human trafficking (Supplied)
By Deborah Reed
WKTV Managing Editor
Women at Risk, International (WAR, Int’l) has spent decades providing healing and safe spaces for trafficked women. They also work tirelessly to educate communities about the true nature and dangers of human trafficking.
On July 13, the WAR Chest Boutique in Wyoming will host a teen S.T.A.N.D. class for ages 11-17. The class aims to give the next generation tools they need to stand with confidence against the challenges of the world today.
The teen S.T.A.N.D. session will take place from 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. and is led by Liz Midkiff, WAR, Int’l Ambassador and human trafficking survivor. During the class, attendees will make a handmade bracelet they can take home with them.
Session cost is $10 and includes the class, resources and bracelet. Due to limited space, registration will close at 12 p.m. on Friday, July 12. Parents are welcome to come and observe the class.
(Courtesy, WAR, Int’l)
Created and designed by Midkiff and Rebecca McDonald, founder and President of WAR, Int’l, the S.T.A.N.D. acronym teaches youth safety awareness (S), trafficking signs (T), age appropriateness (A), that it is okay to say no (N), and determination (D).
As a human trafficking survivor, Midkiff has spent the last several years under the guidance of McDonald and WAR, Int’l staff, healing and finding her voice. Both have been found in telling her personal story and educating youth and adults about human trafficking.
Liz’s story
“The number two trafficker is a fake friend, male or female,” said McDonald.
In Midkiff’s case, she was trafficked by the manager at her place of employment.
“He groomed her,” said McDonald. “He got closer and closer to her, and she trusted him because he was her boss. Then he had her move to Tennessee, away from her family. He started trafficking her, and threatened her family.”
Fortunately, Midkiff was able to escape and call her parents. Her father drove through the night to reach Midkiff and bring her home.
Now, Midkiff wants to speak.
“My passion is to help them find their voice.”
“We have many survivors who want to speak,” said McDonald. “They reach a point in their healing where they want to give voice.”
Having watched Midkiff teach her own young son about safe relationships, as well as share her story with older youth, McDonald is confident in the survivor’s ability to teach and bring awareness to this important topic.
“I’ve seen her grow in her ability to share her story,” said McDonald. “She makes it very kid friendly. We’re giving her an opportunity to do that, and to find her voice.”
(Courtesy, WAR, Int’l)
Midkiff recently left a career in banking to take on speaking engagements full-time.
“Our mission is circles of protection, and we’re another concentric circle around her, helping her leave a career in banking and go into this full-time,” said MacDonald. “It’s our delight to help, see her spread her wings and flourish.”
Child and teen S.T.A.N.D. classes
Midkiff teaches two S.T.A.N.D. classes, one for children ages 5-10, and a teen session for ages 11-17. The messages in both classes are tailored to the kids who attend, offer a question and answer period and a craft.
The child class contains age appropriate material regarding safe relationships, stranger danger, private parts and personal privacy.
The teen class material can feature content around drugs, money, phones and social media.
Midkiff also touches on mixed messages regarding stranger danger and complying with a perpetrator versus consenting.
The number one trafficker, said McDonald, is family.
“Kidnapping is 3% of trafficking,” said McDonald. “Stranger danger is a dangerous message by itself because 95% of the time it’s going to be somebody you know.”
Teaching a child to say no is important. However, our bodies have three different responses to trauma: fight, flight and freeze.
If a child does not say no when faced with a traumatic situation, it is not because they did something wrong, it is because their body shut down.
“To freeze is a normal, actually healthy, response to trauma. You’re trying to be quiet and not bring attention to yourself.”
That does not, McDonald continued, mean you were consenting.
“[The class is] a wonderful opportunity to hear from a survivor,” said McDonald. “It’s very practical, and it’s very age appropriate.”
Your story has power
“When it’s your story, no one can argue with you. That’s the power of a survivor,” said McDonald, adding that she urges Midkiff to speak from the heart when telling her story. “What she brings to the table is personal experience, and experience as a mother.”
Midkiff’s story gives hope, something McDonald believes is desperately needed.
“We need to know that there are happy things to get us through brokenness,” said MacDonald. “It’s very addictive when you see women who have been to hell and back put their life back together, rise up, and do something very productive, redemptive and full circle.”
How you can help survivors of human trafficking
Every $300 WAR Int’l sells in product provides a woman a month in a safe house overseas. If a consumer spends $10, they support a woman for a day in the safe house.
Every size contribution creates an impact, whether via donation or shopping.
Class attendees are invited to peruse the boutique before or after the S.T.A.N.D. event to see all the products made by, or sold in support of, at-risk and rescued individuals from around the world.
For additional questions, email, or call 616-530-1234 and speak to Joy.