Tag Archives: Weatherize Assistance Program

Tips on saving energy and money this winter


Your Community in Action!


By Community Action Partnership of Kent County


Winter weather means higher energy costs for households living in the Mitten State. There are many ways to stay warm and save money on your energy bills. Following the tips below can benefit your pocketbook and the environment.


Seal drafty doors and windows. Use plastic over windows to stop cold drafts. A heavy-duty, clear plastic that is sealed tightly to the frame will provide the best results. Use caulk or weatherstripping to seal leaky doors and any other gaps that are letting cold air in.


Decrease hot water use. Lower your water heater to the warm setting (120° F) and install low-flow faucets and showerheads to save on your water and heat bill.


Turn down the thermostat. The recommended heat setting for winter is 68° F. Keep the heat at this level or below and use a blanket on cold nights. Use a programmable thermostat to regulate your home’s temperature and save about $180 a year.


Switch out old lightbulbs. This is a cost-saving tip that lasts all year. Replace your old incandescent bulbs with new energy-efficient ones like compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) or light emitting diodes (LEDs). LED bulbs use about a quarter less energy than traditional bulbs and last 25 times longer.


Order a free energy saver kit. There are many organizations that offer free kits to get you started. Locally, DTE offers a free Energy Efficiency Kit for its customers. These kits include LED light bulbs, an energy efficient shower head, water-saving faucet aerators and more. You can take a home energy survey and sign-up for a kit online.


Low-income families in Kent County may qualify for ACSET Community Action Agency’s Weatherization Assistance Program. This program is designed to help cut energy costs by installing insulation, sealing leaks and/or taking other energy-saving steps. Contact ACSET CAA to learn more and see if you qualify at 616-336-4000.


Your Community in Action! is provided by ASCET Community Action Agency. To learn more about how they help meet emergency needs and assist with areas of self-sufficiency, visit www.communityactionkent.org