WKTV Staff
Late last year, as they have at the end of each semester for the last three three school years, Wyoming High School students and teachers honored six exemplary students with the Alpha Wolf 11 Champion of Character Award — two sophomores, two juniors and two seniors.
And WKTV’s cameras were there to assist the school in recording the event.
There will be special airings of the event on WKTV cable channel 25 next week, with the Alpha Wolf Awards being broadcast Wednesday, March 14, at 5 p.m.; Friday, March 16, at 11 p.m.; and Saturday, March 17, at 11 a.m.
The Dec. 7, 2017, ceremony was attended by the student body, special guests from the Wyoming community, City of Wyoming city and public safety leaders, school district administration and the Wyoming Board of Education members. There was also a special flag ceremony.
A special guest at the recent ceremony was the staff of the Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan and its executive director, Christy Buck, who spoke about the group’s Be Nice initiative. The program works in schools and the community to provide simple, common sense, ways to prevent suicide and be proactive to other dangers resulting from mental illness.
The Alpha Wolf program was led by teachers Jonathan Bushen and John Doyle, who started the program three years ago modeled on a program at Grandville high school, where he kids attended. But many teachers and staff members were involved.