Tag Archives: WKTV Journal: In Focus

Sheriff LaJoye-Young talks department performance, body cameras and qualified immunity on latest WKTV Journal In Focus

WKTV Journal In Focus with Kent County Sheriff Michelle LaJoye-Young, May 2021. (WKTV)

By K.D. Norris


On the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus, Kent County Sheriff Michelle LaJoye-Young says what’s on her mind on a wide range of subjects, from her office’s response time to incidents, how it handles those incidents, and how the staff — all of the staff — of the Kent County Correctional Facility excelled in this time of pandemic.

In May, her office presented a report to the county Board of Commissioners detailing the results of its yearly Performance Measurements Review — covering a period of time almost exclusively falling within the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. Including among the measurements are the Sheriff’s office’s response time for both the 911 dispatch and deputies patrolling the roads, the department’s community engagement efforts, and the percentage of contacts resulting in use of force.

On the WKTV set, we talk with the Sheriff about those performance measurements, about what’s new in her department including the roll-out of body cameras, and — taking a cue from the current public scrutinization of law enforcement actions on the streets — we ask about her policy of de-escalation of citizen/deputy incidents and her opinion of law enforcement officers being granted qualified immunity from civil lawsuits.

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (For dates and times on Channel 26, see our Weekly On-air Schedule. For dates and times on Channel 99, visit here). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

Area Agency on Aging, supporting seniors in time of COVID-19, on WKTV Journal In Focus

By K.D. Norris


Given this time of COVID-19, and with seniors particularly at high risk, the work of the Area Agency on Aging of West Michigan has become all the more important.

WKTV Journal In Focus last week had a Zoom interview with Carly Whetstone, outreach specialist for the local agency, to talk about the group, its history, and the ways it is working for senior and senior caregivers.

The group is headquartered in Grand Rapids but serves a nine-county region that includes coverage in Wyoming and Kentwood. It is part of nationwide network of nonprofit agencies created in 1974 by the federal government to be one-stop shops with information about programs, services and housing options to seniors.

For more information on the Area Agency on Aging of West Michigan call 616-456-5664, visit their website at aaawm.org and for specific caregiver support visit caregiverresource.net.

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (For dates and times on Channel 26, see our Weekly On-air Schedule. For dates and times on Channel 99, visit here). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

Kentwood Master Plan update, nearing completion, detailed on WKTV Journal In Focus

Terry Schweitzer, City of Kentwood Community Development Director, on Zoom interview.

By WKTV Staff


The City of Kentwood’s Master Plan update, which WKTV has covered in detail over the last year and which is nearing completion, is revisited on the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus.

Through a series of community engagement efforts called “Plan Kentwood”, the city has gained public input to help shape a long-range vision for growth, land use, development and open space conservation in the city. High on the list of areas to have updated plans are development near and along the extension of Breton Avenue south of 52nd Street, as well as the Division Avenue and 28th and 29th streets business districts.

With us to catch us up on the process from the City of Kentwood are Terry Schweitzer, Community Development Director, and Lisa Golder, Economic Development Planner.


For a recent WKTV story on the Master Plan, visit here.

For more information about the Master Plan update is available at kentwood.us/PlanKentwood.

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

Treetops Collective’s work for new American women detailed on WKTV Journal In Focus

By WKTV Staff


In Focus today is Treetops Collective, a Grand Rapids based group which helps New American women become part of our west Michigan community — to quote from their website, to help refugee women “sink their roots down and flourish with their families for generations to come.”

Peninah Mucyo

With us is Tarah Carnahan, Treetops Collective Business Development Director & Co-Founder, and well as Peninah Mucyo, social enterprise program participant with Treetops Collective.

The local non-profit’s past and present and future — including why they use the name “Treetops Collective” — is both informative and important; Ms. Mucyo’s personal story is nothing short of inspiring.

WKTV Managing Editor Ken Norris hosts.

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

Kent ISD Adult Education programs, success story discussed on new WKTV Journal In Focus

By WKTV Staff


On this episode of WKTV Journal In Focus, we sit down with the director and a student of Kent ISD’s Adult Education Program, which helps adult students get their high school equivalency, gain skills in the English language, and connects them with various career and technical education programs.

Note: This WKTV video was recorded before the current COVID-19 social and business restrictions. Please visit here for more information on the present status of Kent ISD programs; visit here for specific information on the Adult Education Program.

The various ISD programs, according to its website, offer adult students, “Pathways to Success to help them build a brighter future.”

With us is Oogie LaMar, Kent ISD Director of Adult Education, as well as Kylan Tette, a student enrolled in the the Adult Education General Education Development, or GED, Program.

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

Kent ISD Adult Education programs, success story discussed on latest WKTV Journal In Focus

By WKTV Staff

On this episode of WKTV Journal In Focus, we sit down with the director and a student of Kent ISD’s Adult Education Program, which helps adult students get their high school equivalency, gain skills in the English language, and connects them with various career and technical education programs.

The various ISD programs, according to its website, offer adult students, “Pathways to Success to help them build a brighter future.”

With us is Oogie LaMar, Kent ISD Director of Adult Education, as well as Kylan Tette, a student enrolled in the the Adult Education General Education Development, or GED, Program.

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

Kent County elections leaders discuss busy voting season on WKTV Journal In Focus

By WKTV Staff

Michigan voters are starting a busy election with the just-completed presidential primary, so on the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus we offer a review of how the State of Michigan in general — and Kent County in specific — handle elections so that they provide voter accessibility, ballot security and accurate results.

With us is Lisa Posthumus Lyons, Kent County Clerk and Register of Deeds, who was elected to the position in 2016 after serving three terms as a Republican in the Michigan House of Representatives. Also with us is county elections director Gerrid Uzarski, who was appointed by Ms. Lyons in late 2017 and, previously worked for ElectionSource, a local company which, along with Dominion Voting Systems, is contracted by the state to provide election hardware and software.

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

Kent County government leaders talk spending, services and legislative agendas on latest WKTV Journal In Focus

By WKTV Staff

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus, we welcome two leaders of the Kent County Board of Commissioners, arguably the most influential group of elected officials in the county. While often little understood, it is a governing body whose decisions and leadership impact residents in a myriad of ways, from its health department to its road crews, from its park system to the county sheriffs office.

The commissioners last month elected their leadership and we have two of those leaders in studio today, Commission Chair Mandy Bolter and Vice-chair Stan Stek. Ms. Bolter represents District 5, which includes all or part of Cascade, Lowell, Bowne and Caledonia townships. Mr. Stek represents District 6, which includes the City of Walker and part of the City of Grand Rapids.

Top among the topics discussed are how and why the county was able to approve nearly $18.7 million for three strategic capital funding projects — all without the need for any issuance of bonds, which are repaid with taxpayers’ money.

Also discussed are the scope of county services and responsibilities, the relationship between the county and both state and federal governments, as well as challenges for the coming year in county governance.

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

Kent County Sheriff talks marijuana use law enforcement on latest WKTV Journal In Focus

By WKTV Staff

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus we continue WKTV’s series of discussions on the impact of Michigan’s recent legalization of recreational marijuana.

First we talked with the executive director of Michigan’s Marijuana Regulatory Agency, the state office which controls both the state’s medical and recreational marijuana distribution facilities. See the video here.

Now, In Focus is Kent County Sheriff Michelle LaJoye-Young, who discusses the current and evolving legal aspects of the recreational marijuana, specifically how the law enforcement community is reacting to the laws associated with legalization.

Kent County Sheriff Michelle LaJoye-Young on the WKTV Journal In Focus set with host Ken Norris. (WKTV)

Specifically, the Sheriff talks about where is it legal and illegal to smoke marijuana in public, and while there are laws on the books dealing with driving while impaired by alcohol, it is a new and evolving situation when it comes to driving while impaired by marijuana and other cannabis-derived products.

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

GVSU’s Veterans Upward Bound program featured on latest WKTV Journal In Focus

By K.D. Norris

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus is a follow-up with the Grand Valley State University Veterans Upward Bound program. In 2018, as the program was just started, we talked with its new director. Now we bring you two veterans working for and as part of the program — each with unique and moving stories to tell — to find out how it is working.

The Veterans Upward Bound program aims to provide academic and other services to military veterans with the goal of supporting their enrollment and success in postsecondary education.

With us are two members of the Upward Bound staff, Air Force veteran and soon-to-be college student Russell Coon, and Army veteran Belinda Coronado, who already has a degree from GVSU but is not yet done with her higher education efforts.

And Coon’s story is more than simply a vet finding help with higher education — his story is one of a vet finding his way in the world thanks to veterans support programs.

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

WKTV In Focus podcast of Community Conversation on Immigration available on-demand

WKTV Journal In Focus’s audio only podcast of a Community Conversation on Homelessness featured Kentwood City Commissioner and community advocate Emily Bridson moderating along with Marshall Kilgore and, from left, panelists Hillary Scholten and Bo Torres. (WKTV)

By WKTV Staff

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal’s In Focus series of podcasts, we bring you City of Kentwood Commissioner Emily Bridson’s Community Conversation on Immigration, held Thursday, Jan. 9, at Broad Leaf Local Beer in Kentwood.

The event was moderated by Bridson and Marshall Kilgore, Western Michigan Director for United Precinct Delegates, and included panelists Hillary Scholten, candidate for the U.S. 3rd Congressional District, and Bo Torres, a Hispanic community leader.

WKTV Journal In Focus’s audio only podcast of a Community Conversation on Immigration set-up by Kentwood City Commissioner and community advocate Emily Bridson drew a crowd Jan. 9. (WKTV)

The conversation drew about 100 people, with standing room only, and included discussion on current immigration policies as well as the contributions made to the United States from immigrants — both documented and undocumented. It also included discussion on proposed Michigan governmental action to change the state’s driver’s license laws.

For a link to the ‘Community Conversation on Homelessness” audio podcast, click here.

Regular episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times).Individual interviews area also available on WKTV’s YouTube Channel at WKTVvideos.

Recreational marijuana, county animal shelter discussed on latest WKTV Journal In Focus

By K.D. Norris

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus, we begin the new year with topics that, to some, are hot-button issues: the implementation of the state’s recreational marijuana law — and licensing of facilities approved to sell the now legal product — as well as how Kent County handles the difficult job of animal control.

First, we will talk with the man in charge of the state’s marijuana regulatory efforts. Then we talk with Kent County Health Department’s top health official, who was selected to modernize and improve the county’s animal control efforts.

In Focus is Michigan’s Marijuana Regulatory Agency, the agency which has been responsible for implementing the regulatory program enacted under the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act. In simple terms, the MRA is the state office which controls both the state’s medical and recreational marijuana distribution facilities.

With us is the agency’s Executive Director, Andrew Brisbo, who was appointed by Governor Whitmer to lead the MRA, the successor to the Bureau of Marijuana Regulation.

Also In Focus is Kent County Animal Shelter, which is administered by the Kent County Health Department. Late last year, the Kent County Board of Commissioners Executive Committee received an update on an on-going reorganization of the shelter conducted, in part, due to past criticism of the shelter’s operation.

With us is the person ultimately responsible for the shelter’s reorganization, Kent County’s Administrative Health Officer Adam London.

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

Snapshots: 2019 WKTV Journal social advocacy interviews you might have missed

By WKTV Staff


Quote of the Day

“In these days of difficulty, we Americans everywhere must and shall choose the path of social justice …, the path of faith, the path of hope, and the path of love toward our fellow man.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Supporting parole reentry

In Focus talks with Todd Cioffi, an associate professor at Calvin College, and director of Calvin Prison Initiative. This five-year program results in a bachelor of arts degree from Calvin College, but it is much more than simply an educational effort. Go here for the story and YouTube link.

Working on poverty in Kent Co.

WKTV Journal In Focus talks with Susan Cervantes, the Director of the Kent County Community Action program which, according to its 2018 annual report, served more than 7,000 individuals including more than 3,800 families, and also handled more than 42,000 information and referral calls. Go here for the story and YouTube video link.

Helping homeless LGBTQ-plus youth

WKTV Journal In Focus talked to two members of Grand Rapids HQ, a drop-in center for youth ages 14-24 in housing crisis, including but not limited to LGBTQ-plus youth. Go here for the story and YouTube video link.

Facts to Give Hope:

$30 billion and $75 billion

The National Retail Federation (NRF) placed holiday spending in 2018 at nearly $30 billion. Foundation giving in 2018 increased to $75.86 billion. Source.

Animal law: WKTV Journal In Focus interviews local lawyer, animal advocate

By K.D. Norris

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus, we discuss the evolving world of animal law, specifically efforts to have a legal system that recognizes the rights of all animals but especially animals that some call pets.

We will talk with Ginny K. Mikita of the Mikita Kruse Law Center in North Kent County and find out about her work with Attorneys For Animals, a group whose mission is based in their belief that “animals have a purpose of their own and inherent value.” The group works within the legal system to that end and encourages efforts to ensure that animals are “recognized, treated and protected as individuals.”

Mikita also talks about her work supporting humans grieving for their companion animals which they have lost.

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

Helping homeless families: WKTV Journal In Focus interviews Family Promise GR

By K.D. Norris

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus, we bring to light the urgent need and community efforts to battle family homelessness in the Greater Grand Rapids area. We talk with Kate O’Keefe, Director of Development and Community Engagement at Family Promise of Grand Rapids.

The local non-profit has the mission of ending “homelessness, one family at a time, by engaging faith-based and community organizations to provide emergency shelter and basic needs to families with children who are homeless and to provide additional programs to assist them in finding housing and sustaining their independence.”

Founded in 1997 as the Greater Grand Rapids Interfaith Hospitality Network, Family Promise (familypromisegr.org) now partners with local congregations, individuals, families, foundations and corporations to provide emergency shelter and “viable solutions” for families with children who are facing a housing crisis.

Kate O’Keefe, Director of Development and Community Engagement at Family Promise of Grand Rapids, on set with WKTV Journal In Focus host Ken Norris (WKTV)

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

WKTV In Focus podcast of Community Conversation on Homelessness available on-demand

WKTV Journal In Focus’s audio only podcast of a Community Conversation on Homelessness featured Kentwood City Commissioner and community advocate Emily Bridson, at left, moderating along with Marshall Kilgore and, from left, panelists Cheryl Schuch, Kent County Commissioner Stephen Wooden, James White and Wende Randall. (WKTV)

By WKTV Staff

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal’s In Focus series of podcasts, we bring you City of Kentwood Commissioner Emily Bridson’s Community Conversation on Homelessness, held Sunday, Nov. 10, at Broad Leaf Local Beer in Kentwood.

The Keynote Speaker of the public event was Judge William G. Kelly, the chief judge for Kentwood’s 62B District Court. The event was moderated by Bridson and Marshall Kilgore, Western Michigan Director for United Precinct Delegates.

The panelists included Wende Randall, director of Kent County Essential Needs Task Force; Kent County Commissioner Stephen Wooden; James White of Cinnaire; and Cheryl Schuch, of Family Promise of Grand Rapids.

For a link to the ‘Community Conversation on Homelessness” audio podcast, click here.

Schuch, during the talk and after while addressing WKTV, talked about the realities of family homeliness in our area.

“Families who are experiencing homelessness are everyone we see in our everyday life,” she said. “They are neighbors. They go to school with us. They work with us at companies here in town. They just don’t want you to know that.

“So when you talk about bringing their voice to the community, you just need to give them an opportunity to share and not be judged by fact that they are experiencing something like that.”

And Schuch’s voice was just a small part of the discussion at the forum and available in the podcast.

WKTV Journal In Focus spotlights Grand Rapids HQ’s efforts for homeless youth

By K.D. Norris

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus, we talk two members of Grand Rapids HQ, a drop-in center for youth ages 14-24 in housing crisis, including but not limited to LGBTQ-plus youth.

HQ collaborates with community partners to provide counseling, medical services, vital document recovery and employment connections with the goal of, quote, “breaking the cycle of homelessness with youth in our community.”

Visiting the WKTV studios are Luke Petsch, Development Director for HQ, and Michael Fravel, HQ member specialist.

While HQ does not provide long-term housing assistance, it has recently been in the news as it is partnering with nonprofit developer Inner City Christian Federation and 3:11 Youth Housing to turn a property into affordable housing for young adults who identify as LGBTQ+.

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

Kentwood city commissioner to host ‘Community Conversation’ on homelessness

WKTV Staff

A part of her continuing Second Sunday community conversations, City of Kentwood Commissioner Emily Bridson will host a Community Conversation on Homelessness Sunday, Nov. 10, from 2-4 p.m., at Broad Leaf Local Beer.

The Keynote Speaker of the public event will be Judge William G. Kelly, the chief judge for Kentwood’s 62B District Court.

The panel will include Wende Randall, director of Kent County Essential Needs Task Force; Kent County Commissioner Stephen Wooden; James White of Cinnaire; and Cheryl Schuch, of Family Promise of Grand Rapids.

The event will be moderated by Bridson and Marshall Kilgore, Western Michigan Director for United Precinct Delegates. WKTV will record the discussion and post it on our WKTV Journal In Focus Podcast Channel.

“The more people I spoke with about housing, the more I realized we have several great community organizations working very hard in this area to make an impact,” Bridson said in her monthly community newsletter. “Homelessness doesn’t have a simple solution, but it does need a regional approach by various members of the community sitting down to compare our efforts, bring more awareness to all and work on more active solutions to keep chipping away at this issue.

“This issue is especially important to me because it disproportionately affects women, people of color and children.”

Bridson said in the community newsletter that she asked for information on homeless students in Kentwood Public Schools and found that, in 2018, Kentwood Public Schools had 283 students that were homeless, while Grand Rapids Public Schools had 671 students homeless.

She also states that Kentwood does not have a homeless shelter.

Broad Leaf Local Beer is located at 2885 Lake Eastbrook, Kentwood. For more information on the event visit here.

Lansing budget battles, auto insurance changes discussed on WKTV Journal In Focus interview with Sen. MacGregor

By K.D. Norris

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus, we talk with Michigan State Sen. Peter MacGregor, who represents the City of Wyoming as part of a widespread Kent County area included in the 28th Senate District.

MacGregor is in his second term in the Senate, and is both the Senate majority floor leader and chairman of the important Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services.

We talk with the senator about health and human services issues, changes coming to the state’s auto insurance laws, and — of course — budget battles between the Republican-controlled legislature and first-year Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Taking about the budget process, in which the legislature develops and presents a budget to the governor for approval — or line-item veto — Sen. MacGregor said “The Governor was not as involved as she thought she should be. Not that we did not want them involved, just that there is a lot of politics involved with a split government.”

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

Retiring Kentwood Police Chief Hillen talks past, future on latest WKTV Journal In Focus

By K.D. Norris

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus, a special interview with retiring Kentwood Police Chief Thomas Hillen, who after more than 10 years leading the department — and more than four decades in public safety — is moving on to what’s next in his life.

During his tenure in Kentwood, he has led a team of more than 90 personnel, including 70 sworn police officers. Among the many accomplishments of his tenure was placing a local officer on the FBI Joint Terrorist Task Force and appointing the first female captain in the department’s history.

We talk with The Chief about his career, his department’s accomplishments, and how law enforcement has changed since he first sat in a patrol car — and believe us and him, a lot has changed.

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

WKTV Journal In Focus welcomes the West Michigan Veterans Coalition into our studio

By K.D. Norris

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus, we continue our efforts to inform and support veterans — and their families and friends — through a discussion with Paul J. Ryan, Captain, US Navy Reserve (Retired) and a member of the West Michigan Veterans Coalition.

The Coalition is a group which describes itself as “a collaboration among local military-friendly organizations that provide support, information and resources to veterans and their families.”

Most recently, the Coalition was part of the West Michigan Freedom Cruise and Gold Star Family Honor Ride, held annually at the Fifth Third Ball Park in Comstock Park. But that is only one of the most visible activities of the Coalition.

We talk with Mr. Ryan about the direct services his group provides and how it works with other veterans support groups, how essential it is to bring employers into the discussion when we talk about supporting veterans, and about the Coalition’s mission including service to “anyone who served in the Armed Forces” and why that means more than honorably discharged vets.

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

Past and present of ‘War on Poverty’, county Community Action on latest WKTV Journal In Focus

By K.D. Norris

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus, we continue a series looking at the depth and breath of poverty throughout Kent County and specifically in the cities of Wyoming and Kentwood.

To introduce us to some of the issues, we talk with Susan Cervantes, the Director of the Kent County Community Action program which, according to its 2018 annual report, served more than 7,000 individuals including more than 3,800 families, and also handled more than 42,000 information and referral calls.

The Community Action program came into existence 55 years ago when President Lyndon Johnson signed legislation to establish a War on Poverty.

The local group, according to its website “works to eliminate the causes and circumstances of poverty by investing in individuals and families with low incomes. Through dedicated staff and community partnerships we provide services, resources, education and advocacy to improve the quality of life for all residents of Kent County.”

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times).

All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

WKTV in Focus podcast discusses anti-discrimination public policies, business advantages

WKTV Journal In Focus’s podcast on the anti-discrimination public policies featured Kentwood City Commissioner and community advocate Emily Bridson, at right, along with Patti Caudill, manager of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion for the City of Grand Rapids, and Skot Welch of Global Bridgebuilders. The program is hosted by WKTV’s Ken Norris, left. (WKTV)

By K.D. Norris

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal’s In Focus series of podcasts, we discuss the anti-discrimination public policies — a timely topic as the City of Grand Rapids City Commission just this last passed a Human Rights Ordnance which will be the basis of the formation of future public policies.

Visiting our studios, each with unique perspectives on the subject, are Kentwood City Commissioner and community advocate Emily Bridson; Patti Caudill, manager of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion for the City of Grand Rapids; and Skot Welch of Global Bridgebuilders which, according to its website, has the “core belief that inclusion is a business discipline.”

For a link to the ‘Anti-discrimination Policies” audio podcast, click here; for a link to the episode’s interview video, click here and scan down the list to the Sept. 5 In Focus podcast. (If you’d like to give us some feedback on our special In Focus podcasts, please contact Ken Norris at ken@wktv.org.)

Regular episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times).

Taking care of our kids: two interviews with local leaders on latest WKTV Journal In Focus

By K.D. Norris

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus are two local efforts to support the youth of Kent County with the most basic of needs: proper nourishment and successful early childhood development.

We will talk with a West Michigan group which provides more than 8,000 dinner meals a day to kids during the school year. We will talk about what they do and what plans they have to do more in the future. Then we talk with the local group tasked to administer the public funds approved by vote as last year through the Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage … and we are talking about more than $5 million dollars annually.

First In Focus is In Focus is West Michigan’s Kids’ Food Basket, a nonprofit organization best known for its Sack Supper Program, which provides a free, well-balanced nutritious evening meal distributed within classrooms at the end of each school day. The group serves schools in three counties with facilities in Grand Rapids, Muskegon and Holland. With us is Bridget Clark Whitney, founding CEO of Kids’ Food Basket, and we will talk with her about her organization, about the Feeding our Future campaign, and why it is so important to assist our young citizens in gaining proper nutrition.

Then In Focus is First Steps Kent, the local group approved by Kent County Commissioners to administer the Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage passed by county voters in November of last year. First Steps Kent is, according to its website, “an independent, influential and neutral entity that leads the community’s efforts to strengthen and coordinate early childhood services in Kent County.” With us is Annemarie Valdez, president and CEO of First Steps Kent.

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

Kentwood busy this summer with park improvements, forming new rec committee

One of Kentwood’s largest projects is at the Old Farm Park, where an entirely new building is being constructed. (WKTV)

By K.D. Norris

This is a busy summer for the Kentwood Parks and Recreation Department, and we are not just talking about the opening of the summer concert series next week or the opening of new beach volleyball and “football bowling” areas later in the month, let alone the upcoming July 4th day of celebration.

Work this summer is either underway or will be shortly at City of Kentwood’s Veterans Memorial Park, the Kentwood Activities Center and at Old Farm Park. But the city is also looking even farther into the future with recent the formation of the Kentwood Parks, Trails and Recreation Advisory Committee.

“We are growing the parks and rec opportunities for our residents,” said Ed Kape, chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee, and now chairman of the new advisory committee, which held its first meeting June 3.

“We are expanding and exploring other opportunities of what we can do to enhance the quality of life of our residents here in Kentwood,” Kape said to WKTV. “And it is not necessarily by games and things like that, it is by services we offer. It is by programs we offer them in the parks and rec building.”

Kape talked with WKTV in May about this season’s work and the new committee when he sat down for a WKTV Journal In Focus interview.

“Kentwood’s park system is near and dear to my heart,” Kape said, later, in supplied material. “Now we need to plan for the next 50 years and determine how we can continue to provide quality parks amenities for our community.”

The 21-member advisory committee includes broad community representation and is comprised of parks and recreation commissioners, City Commission’s AD HOC Strategic Planning Committee members, planning commissioners, residents and business owners.

The advisory committee was established to review and prioritize improvements to Kentwood’s parks, trails and recreational programming “to align with the needs of the community,” according to supplied material.

“The City Commission has asked residents to perform a needed and exciting review process,” Kentwood Mayor Stephen Kepley said in supplied material. “This level of community input is paramount to ensure detailed visionary planning is performed today to preserve Kentwood’s excellent quality of life over the next 50 years.”

The City of Kentwood Parks and Recreation Department oversees the city’s 14 parks and 6.5 miles of trails.

Major work at parks underway

At the Kentwood Activities Center work is underway to make the facility entrance more accessible and protective for the city’s seniors and others. (WKTV)

Summer 2019 improvements include work at the Veterans Memorial Park, where the city received a grant to “grow community engagement” for the park’s neighborhood and the city as a whole.

At the Kentwood Activities Center, a facility much used by seniors and residents of all ages, work is underway to make the facility entrance more accessible and protective for the city’s seniors.

One of the largest projects is at the Old Farm Park, where an entirely new building is being constructed with the aim for providing more amenities for family and group activities.

For more detailed information on the Kentwood Parks, Trails and Recreation Advisory Committee, see the story here.

More information about Kentwood’s 14 parks and 6.5 miles of trails is available online at kentwood.us/parks.

WKTV in Focus podcast brings issue of voter mistrust to newly elected officials

WKTV Journal In Focus podcast on public perception of elected officials, with (from right) Emily Bridson and guests Eric-John Szczepaniak, and State Rep. Rachel Hood. (WKTV)

By K.D. Norris

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal’s In Focus series of podcasts, we discuss the public’s often negative perception of their elected leaders, from the nation’s highest office to local governments, and how that perception might be changed in the future.

Visiting our studios, each with unique perspectives on the subject, are Kentwood City Commissioner and community advocate Emily Bridson; State Rep. Rachel Hood, a Democrat, who is serving her first term representing the 76th House District, which covers a large section of the city of Grand Rapids; and Grand Valley State University student (and student body president) Eric-John Szczepaniak, who, when he was elected to the Kenowa Hills School Board in 2016, was the youngest elected official in Michigan.

For a link to the audio podcast, click here; for a link to the WKTV’s Facebook “The Whole Picture Podcasts” interview video, click here. (If you’d like to give us some feedback on our special In Focus podcast, please contact Ken Norris at ken@wktv.org.)

Regular episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times).

Kent County’s Opioid Task Force, Calvin’s Prison Initiative on WKTV Journal In Focus

K.D. Norris

The latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus offers two discussions focused on important topics: improving Michigan’s prison environment and how Calvin College is reaching out to inmates with education and life-changing opportunities, as well as the current opioid abuse and addiction public health crisis and how Kent County is working to address that crisis locally.

We also have two community guest hosts — City of Kentwood Commissioner Emily Bridson and Grand Rapids Community College instructor Keith St. Clair — who will bring their own unique views to the show.

First up, In Focus is Rachel Jantz, a Public Health Epidemiologist with the Kent County Health Department. She has served in this role for the past 2 and one half years. In March of 2018, the Kent County Commissioners approved the addition of two more experts to deal with emerging public health concerns — PFAs and the opioid epidemic. Jantz is the lead for the Kent County Opioid Task Force.

Then In Focus is Todd Cioffi, an associate professor at Calvin College, and director of Calvin Prison Initiative. The Calvin Prison Initiative, a partnership between Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary, provides a Christian liberal arts education to inmates at Richard A. Handlon Correctional Facility, a state prison located in Ionia. This five-year program results in a bachelor of arts degree from Calvin College, but it is much more than simply an educational effort.

Starting Jan. 22m WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). In Focus is also available on-demand within a week of play at wktvondemand.com. All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

Recently appointed Kent County Sheriff on WKTV Journal In Focus

By K.D. Norris

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus, visiting our studio is Kent County Sheriff Michelle LaJoye-Young. Sheriff LaJoye-Young has a long history in law enforcement, specifically with the Kent County Sheriff’s Office where she most recently served as Undersheriff.

Sheriff LaJoye-Young talks about her years working within the Sheriffs Office, the broad scope of the duties and responsibilities of the office she leads, and what she thinks about being the first female to be the county’s top law enforcement official.

She was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Sheriff Larry Stelma, who retired in November and whose term goes through December 2020, at which time there will be an election for the badge.

“WKTV Journal In Focus” airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). In Focus is also available on-demand within a week of play at wktvondemand.com. All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

WKTV Journal brings Saudi Arabia — past, present and future — In Focus


K.D. Norris



On the latest episode of WKTV Journal: In Focus, we present an interview Dr. Abdullah Alrebh an assistant professor of Sociology of Religion and Sociological Theory at Grand Valley State University. He has published a number of academic articles and book chapters focusing on religion, the Middle East, social movements, and education.


Described by one expert as being a country Americans “know so much, yet so little” about, Saudi Arabia in much in the news recently, so we wanted to talk with someone who knows the country and the Arabian Peninsula region intimately.


With Dr. Alrebh, we discuss the history of the Saudi government, its relationship with the West, especially its military and economic ties with the United States, and what the current controversy triggered by the murder of a prominent Saudi critic could mean in the future.


Dr. Alrebh will also be speaking as part of a World Affairs Council of West Michigan discussion series titled “Shifting Sands in the Arabian Peninsula” at Grand Valley State University’s Seidman College of Business in Grand Rapids.


He will speak, Tuesday, Nov.13, focused on Saudi Arabia, with the final talk on Tuesday, Nov. 20, focused on Yemen, with Dr. Gamal Gasim, also of Grand Valley State University. For more information visit worldmichigan.org .


“WKTV Journal: In Focus” airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). But all interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal: In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.


Kentwood cross-county bicyclist, riding for grandson, visits WKTV Journal In Focus


By. K.D. Norris



On the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus, guest host Keith St. Clair talks with Kentwood resident and bicyclist Ken Smith, who recently completed a 3,500-plus coast-to-coast trip to raise funds for his grandson, Jakob,  and awareness of all persons with neurological damage.


Smith, 70, biked from the Pacific Ocean at Seaside, Oregon, to the Atlantic Ocean near Boston, Massachusetts, in hopes of raising funds to provide for possible care of and therapy for Jakob. WKTV has been proud to cover his journey.


Ken Smith set up a Facebook page (facebook.com/rideforjake/) and a GoFundMe page (gofundme.com/ride-pacific-to-atlantic-for-jakob) to detail his journey and raise the funds.


To catch up on WKTV’s coverage of his journey, check out our latest story.


Kentwood bicyclist, riding for grandson, dips tires in Atlantic at journey’s end


WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel. But all interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal: In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.


Libertarian candidate for State Senate, legal assistance advocate on latest WKTV Journal: In Focus


WKTV Staff



On the latest episode of WKTV Journal: In Focus, WKTV talks with Dr. Erwin Haas, a Kentwood resident and retired local medical internist. Haas is the Libertarian Party candidate for the Michigan State Senate’s 26th District seat. This November, Haas will face off with Republican primary winner Aric Nesbitt and Democrat Garnet Lewis. Haas ran campaigns for U.S. Congress in 2016 and 2014, as well as for Lieutenant Governor in 2010.


We will talk with him about what the Libertarian party is all about and why he continues to seek elected office.


Also on the episode, In Focus is Thomas Sinas, a partner in West Michigan’s Sinas Dramis Law Firm and an advocate for the Kent County Legal Assistance Center. Sinas has tried both civil and criminal cases, and has also lectured and authored numerous articles on trial practice and substantive law. We talk with him about the Legal Assistance Center, and misconceptions about legal services available in civil and criminal cases.



The entire episode of “WKTV Journal: In Focus” airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel.


The episode debuted on WKTV cable channels on Tuesday, Aug. 7, and aired again on Thursday, Aug. 7, also at 6:30 p.m., and will continue on the same days and times the week of Aug. 13. But all interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal: In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.


Primary Election 2018: WKTV informs you on the Republican State House 72nd District race

By K.D. Norris



Michigan voters will go to the polls Tuesday, Aug. 7, with several local primary races on the ballot, among them is the Republican nomination for 72nd District State House seat. WKTV has what you need to know about the race between incumbent Rep. Steve Johnson and challenger Jennifer Antel.


Rep. Johnson is completing his first term representing the 72nd District, which includes Kentwood as part a far-flung district including portions of Kent and Allegan counties. He lives in Wayland Township, is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, and readily identifies himself as a Christian conservative.


Antel is currently a Wayland City Councilor and has served 13 years on the council, currently as Mayor Pro Tem. She has a Masters in Public Administration from Grand Valley State University, has worked as the Downtown Development Director for the City of Otsego, and Assistant to the City Manager in the City of Kalamazoo. She is a mother of five, and is a guest teacher and track coach at Wayland Union Schools.


To view Rep. Johnson’s WKTV-produced We The People video, visit here.


To view Antel’s WKTV-produced We The People video, visit here.


To view Rep. Johnson’s WKTV Journal: In Focus interview, visit here.


To view Antel’s WKTV Journal: In Focus interview, visit here.


To view the Wyoming-Kentwood Area Chamber of Commerce’s candidate forum for this race, visit here.


For more information on Rep. Johnson, visit his website here.


For more information on challenger Antel, visit her website here.


Kent County’s first female judge, avoiding scams on latest WKTV Journal: In Focus


WKTV Staff



On the latest episode of WKTV Journal: In Focus, WKTV volunteer host Keith St. Clair talked with WKTV Kent County Circuit Court Family Division Judge Kathleen A. Feeney, who took the bench in 2000 and was the first woman judge on the Kent County Circuit Court.


Judge Feeney talks about recent awards she has been given, including the Justice Marilyn Kelly Outstanding Judicial Service Award. She also talks gender equity in the legal world and new programs in the county’s family court.


Also on the episode, In Focus is Michigan State Police Trooper Martin Miller, a community outreach trooper stationed out of Rockford Post 61. Trooper Miller talked with In Focus producer and host Ken Norris about scams targeting our seniors, other common scams and how to recognize and avoid them.



The entire episode of “WKTV Journal: In Focus” airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel.


The episode will debuted on WKTV cable channels on Tuesday, July 10, and will again air on Thursday, July 12, also at 6:30 p.m., and will continue on the same days and times the week of July 16. But all interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal: In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.


U.S. Rep Huizenga, Ford airport president on latest WKTV Journal: In Focus


WKTV Staff



On the latest episode of WKTV Journal: In Focus, WKTV caught up with U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga, a Republican who represents both Wyoming and Kentwood in Washington, D.C.


Huizenga has been a strong supporter of the Republican-led federal tax cuts, which he said is good for West Michigan businesses large and small, and the state’s workers. He is also a strong supporter of President Donald Trump, but has disagreed with him on several issues, including trade tariffs. In the special “on the scene” interview, Rep. Huizenga addresses those issues as well as Michigan’s recreational marijuana ballot measure.


Also on the episode, In Focus is James R. Gill, President and CEO of the Gerald R. Ford International Airport Authority. Since coming to Grand Rapids, in January 2017, he has seen many changes, both large and small, in the airport. We talk about those, and what is coming in the future.



The entire episode of “WKTV Journal: In Focus” airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel.


The episode will debuted on WKTV cable channels on Tuesday, June 26, and will again air on Thursday, June 28, also at 6:30 p.m., and will continue on the same days and times the week of July 2. But all interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal: In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.


Snapshots: Wyoming and Kentwood news you need to know

A 56th Street reconstruction project includes adding a traffic signal to the intersection of 56th Street and Ivanrest Avenue.

WKTV Staff



Wyoming: Roadwork, and delays, coming to 56th Street in early July


If 56th Street is one of your favorite routes to take to the RiverTown Crossings or to Maple Hill Golf Course, be warned: starting July 9 you will need to find a different route. 56th Street will be closed between Ivanrest Avenue and 56th Street for reconstruction that includes the road being widen to three lines.


For the complete story, click here.


Kentwood and Wyoming: Citizens invited to talk with Sen. Gary Peters 

S.S. Sen. Peters will be in Grand Rapids on Saturday, June 30, at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum. (Supplied)

U.S. Sen. Gary Petters (D-Michigan) has announced that he will be traveling to four Michigan cities this summer for community meetings, and he will be in Grand Rapids on Saturday, June 30, for a 10 a.m. meeting at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum, 303 Pearl St NW.

For the complete story, click here.



WKTV on YouTube: U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga talks tax cuts, recreational marijuana


U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-District 2) was the special governmental guest Monday, June 11, at the Wyoming-Kentwood Area Chamber of Commerce’s Government Matters Committee’s monthly forum at Kentwood City Hall. WKTV’s Ken Norris caught up with him.