Tag Archives: Women’s City Club

Local school accepting submissions for Women’s City Club Impact Award program

Established in 2018 by the WCC, the annual Impact Award will recognize two deserving Union High School juniors (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor


(Courtesy, WCC)

Women’s City Club (WCC) President Wendy Sturm and Union High School (UHS) Principal Aaron Roussey recently announced the beginning of the 2025 WCC Impact Award contest at a UHS junior class assembly.

Established in 2018 by the WCC, and developed in conjunction with UHS, this annual award will recognize two deserving high school juniors. Each winner will receive a $750 cash award to be used in any way the student sees fit, without stipulations.

“The Impact Award was established to support our mission and to provide students with a means to pursue their dreams,” said Wendy Sturm, WCC President.

Submission details

Entries submission began in December 2024, and remain open until Feb. 14, 2025. To apply, students present a piece of work that identifies and describes a personal role model – someone who has inspired them to achieve their own excellence.

UHS Principal Aaron Roussey (left) talks to students about the WCC Impact Award (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

Students apply by filling out a short form with a personal statement and their chosen form of expression-writing, drawing, poetry, painting, photography, a musical composition or a song.

While speaking to UHS students at the class assembly, Sturm said, “The whole idea of this is to help you with that thinking process and hopefully inspire you to become an impactful person for someone else.”

The 2025 winning entries will be chosen and announced by a committee of UHS administrators, teachers and counselors no later than Feb. 28.

Award winners will be honored with a luncheon presentation at Mayflower Congregational Church in April. During the luncheon, the winners will have an opportunity to talk with WCC members and will be presented with a scholarship certificate and award money.

Avenues of personal insight

With UHS students attending from all over the world, Impact Award entries are varied and provide insight into the students’ lives.

“They are very personal,” UHS Assistant Principal Dana Bachelder said of the entries at the 2024 award luncheon. “Many times when we read [the entries], we’re learning a little bit about where they came from, what is important to them, things that they’ve been through.”

WCC President Wendy Sturm answered questions about the Impact Award submission process and requirements (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

Terrell Daniels won the 2023 Impact Award with an essay featuring his father and his impact on Daniels throughout the years. Daniels said he was happy and surprised when told he was an Award winner.

“I had never won an award, especially for an essay,” said Daniels. “Winning it made me feel accomplished.”

Daniels went on to say that winning the Impact Award also accomplished a personal goal.

“I always wanted to better myself and challenge myself. By participating in the competition and winning, it made me gain more confidence in myself and my capabilities, and motivated me to keep pursuing my goals.”

Daniels chose to put his winnings toward his savings to help him reach those goals.

WCC 2024 Impact Award winners Dilanny Perez (left) and Nebyat Gebrehiwot (Courtesy, WCC)

In 2024, UHS students Dilanny Perez and Nebyat Gebrehiwot received the Impact Award.

Perez’s entry was a written essay about William D. Swenson, a lieutenant colonel in the United States Army who was awarded the Medal of Honor in 2013. Perez said she learned about bravery, loyalty and courage, and was inspired to strive for those things in her own life.

Gebrehiwot’s winning entry depicting the cultural dress of Eritrean women was inspired by her mother. The painting was Nebyat’s tribute to the women of her native African country who strive for gender equality and work to empower other women.

The UHS junior class presentation included pictures of previous award winners and their submissions (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

UHS Principal Aaron Roussey said 2024 saw the most program entries to date, and anticipates an equal amount – or more – this year.

“It is a fantastic opportunity,” Roussey told students at the assembly.

Make your own impact

Sturm said she enjoys receiving updates on previous award winners and seeing them mature and grow.

“Every year we receive updates on past award winners and learn how these students continue to develop and grow in confidence and leadership to become role models for others,” said Sturm.

Several UHS juniors were interested in learning more and picked up Impact Award information pamphlets provided by the WCC (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

Daniels, currently pursuing an astrophysics degree at Michigan State University, urges all students with even a slight interest in the Impact Award competition to submit an entry.

“In life, it’s easy to tell yourself that you aren’t good enough for something or that there’s no way you could win/accomplish something, but you can!” said Daniels. “There were winners before you who probably thought the same thing, but look what happened to them.

“It starts with you. Make your impact and share it to the world.”

For a list of past Impact Award winners, click here.

The Impact Award is funded by generous donations from WCC members and the community.

(Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

Two high school juniors receive Impact Award from Women’s City Club

(Left to right) Assistant Principal Dana Bachelder, Dilanny Perez, Principal Aaron Roussey, and Wendy Sturm (Courtesy, Deborah Reed)

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor


(Courtesy, Deborah Reed)

The Women’s City Club held its fifth Impact Award ceremony on Thursday, April 18. The 2024 award winners, Dilanny Perez and Nebyat Gebrehiwot, were honored with a luncheon presentation at Mayflower Congregational Church.

Developed in conjunction with Union High School (UHS), the annual Impact Award program recognizes deserving high school juniors who receive a cash award of $750.

(Courtesy, Deborah Reed)

“We wanted to provide an award that would inspire juniors to the next level, to reach out, to develop their skills and abilities and get ready for whatever path they choose in life,” Wendy Sturm, President of Women’s City Club, told WKTV. Sturm added that the award can be used in any way the winning student sees fit, without stipulations.

To apply, students present a piece of work that identifies and describes a personal role model – someone who has inspired them to achieve their own excellence.

“[The work] can be music, it can be written, it can be artwork – however they can express themselves,” said Sturm. “We wanted to open it up so they can express themselves in any unique way, have an opportunity to be recognized, and have an opportunity to develop those skills.”

Personal revelations

The winning entries are chosen by a committee of UHS administrators, teachers, and counselors.

This year we had the most entries than we’ve ever had in the past – and the most variety of things,” said UHS Principal Aaron Roussey. Submissions featured musical instruments, artwork and various essays.

“They are very personal,” UHS Assistant Principal Dana Bachelder said of the entries. “We have so many different students from different areas of the world.

“Many times when we read [the entries], we’re learning a little bit about where they came from, what is important to them, things that they’ve been through.”

Both Roussey and Bachelder describe Dilanny and Nebyat as leaders in school and the community.

Values and valor

JROTC First Sergeant Ron Voisinet (left) with Impact Award winner Dilanny Perez (Courtesy, Deborah Reed)

Dilanny and Nebyat were honored with a celebration lunch. They had an opportunity to talk with WCC members and were presented with a scholarship certificate and award money.

Dilanny’s Impact Award entry was a written essay about William D. Swenson, a lieutenant colonel in the United States Army who was awarded the Medal of Honor in 2013. She learned about bravery, loyalty, and courage, and was inspired to strive for those things in her own life.

The battalion commander of the Union JROTC team, Dilanny was moved by Swenson’s willingness to put himself in danger to rescue his team when they were ambushed in Afghanistan by a group of 60 armed enemy fighters.

“Not many people get the Medal of Honor. Some people that get the Medal of Honor end up getting it because the activity cost their lives,” said Dilanny. “It’s something to be really thankful for, knowing there are people willing to go out and defend our country.

“It makes people realize that freedom isn’t free. People actually have to go out there and make a lot of sacrifices for us in order for us to keep our freedom.”

Impact Award winner Dilanny Perez (Courtesy, Deborah Reed)

Involved with the JROTC program since her freshman year, Dilanny says the bond formed between team members is unique and one that she appreciates.

“Our main goal is to motivate young people to become better citizens,” said Dilanny. “We do many volunteer opportunities, and we also do activities that make people confront their fears and learn values.”

A recent leadership reaction course taught JROTC members the importance of communication and trust in the people they are working with.

“That’s what I like about JROTC, the type of things that [we] go through, and the life lessons they give you.”

Dilanny is contemplating becoming an Army officer through the ROTC program at Western Michigan University.

Highlighting culture

Nebyat, who is from Eritrea in northeast Africa, created a painting of a woman from her country. The portrait depicts the bright colors and cultural dress of Eritrean women.

Painting by Nebyat Gebrehiwot (Courtesy, Deborah Reed)
Impact Award winner Nebyat Gebrehiwot (Courtesy, Deborah Reed)

Nebyat says her mother was the inspiration behind her Impact Award entry.

“I asked her what I was going to do, and she gave me some advice,” said Nebyat. “She told me to paint something from our culture because it is a small country. Not everyone know this country, so she told me to paint our…culture.

“In my country, before I came here, everywhere you go, they would wear this long dress.”

When asked how she felt about winning the WCC Impact Award, Nebyat said, “I was surprised, and I was so happy.”

Nebyat is inspired by the women of her country who strive for gender equality and work to empower other women. She aspires to be a role model of her Eritrean culture by working for gender equality for Eritrean women in the U.S. and in Eritrea.

Nebyat plans to attend Grand Rapids Community College for two years, then further her education by attending a university. She said she will continue to paint, and is interested in exploring other art forms as well.

(Left to right) Assistant Principal Dana Bachelder, Principal Aaron Roussey, Nebyat Gebrehiwot, and Wendy Sturm (Courtesy, Deborah Reed)

A remarkable journey

The Impact Award is funded by generous donations from WCC members and the community.

“One of the most remarkable experiences I’ve had with the Women’s City Club is watching these juniors come up to the podium,” said Sturm. “They’re so nervous and timid…and as we engage them with our questions and our interest, they blossom.

“It’s been quite a journey. It’s been a wonderful aspect of our community outreach of the Women’s City Club of Grand Rapids.”

For a list of past Impact Award winners, click here.

Grand Rapids’ influential women share 100 years of resilience and unwavering community dedication

WCC historians Carol Dodge and Marcie Woods published a history of the Club’s first 100 years (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor


It was a hot summer evening in 1923 when a group of Grand Rapids women ignited the spark that would become the iconic Women’s City Club of Grand Rapids (WCC).

One hundred years later, the women of Grand Rapids continue to provide support for each other and for their community through charitable and educational outreach…and fun.

On March 14, the GR Stories program – hosted by the Grand Rapids Public Museum (GRPM) and the WCC – celebrated a century of resilience, influence and impact.

WCC historians Carol Dodge and Marcie Woods presented an oral history titled “Our First One Hundred Years” during the celebration. The presentation was derived from the WCC’s recently published centennial book bearing the same name and co-authored by Dodge and Woods.

“This Women’s City Club knows no boundaries,” said Judge Sara Smolenski during the event. “They’re in our community helping, reaching out and making an impact.”

This is the story of Grand Rapids’ most influential women and their legacy of resilience in times of challenge.

The year is 1923

It’s the roaring 20s. It’s a jazz age, another year of prohibition and speak-easies. Women have the right to vote. It was declared legal for women to wear trousers anywhere. It’s a year of prosperity, and there are new roles for women.

WCC historians Marcie Woods (left) and Carol Dodge present the history of the Club (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

On a hot July evening in 1923, a group of women sat on the steps of the Grand Rapids YWCA and dreamed about having a place to gather, socialize, entertain and inform. They longed to be women of common interest in the welfare of the city in public issues.

A spark was ignited. On January 4, 1924, an enthusiastic group of women came together in the first official meeting of the WCC.

“The Club was started at just the right time, with just the right people,” said Dodge during the presentation. “The community leaders among the women of Grand Rapids were the early leaders of the City Club, and they were diligent in inviting other civic-minded women to join.”

With annual dues set at $10 and meeting rooms at the Morton Hotel, the WCC was off and running.

When the Sweet House came on the market in 1927, the Club purchased and remodeled the building for their clubhouse. Almost everything inside the House was given or loaned to the Club.

By the end of the decade, the Club had 1,800 members and 165 on a waiting list.

The economy was down with the 1929 market crash, but optimism was high at WCC. It had become a welcoming second home for many women in the community.

The 1930s rolled in with a vengeance

The Club was not immune to the trouble following the Great Depression. Membership dropped to 800 in 1933. Losing over half of their members, the board worked diligently to keep the doors open.

WCC member Rebecca Sneller performed a song from each decade (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

WCC members were empathetic to those less fortunate during the Depression. Their auditorium was turned into a sewing and workroom, and clothing was made for families in need. Food, books, and toys were collected and distributed.

As the economy turned around, so did membership numbers.

In 1936, membership had become so desirable that a membership limit of 1,400 was set – and they also had a waiting list.

The 1930s featured teas and dances. Many well-known guests presented at the Club during this time. Among them were Winston Churchill’s son Randolph and aviatrix Amelia Earhart. The first Bob Cratchit Holiday Dinner was served, and became a tradition for 77 years.

“During these difficult Depression years, the Club did not miss a single mortgage payment, and we ended the 1930s on a high note,” said Dodge. “The mortgage of the Club was burned, and after 12 years we were debt-free.

The 1940s were called the War Years

A WCC Friendship Quilt made in 1993 (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

Hazel Whitaker Vandenberg, a charter member of the Club and Senator Vandenberg’s wife, kept Club members abreast with her monthly bulletin reports from Washington DC.

Monthly urgent pleas went out to members for volunteers to help in the National Defense program.

The WCC auditorium was once again turned into a workroom where surgical dressings were wrapped, sewing machines made surgical gowns, baby blankets and baby layettes. Women were trained to serve in city hospitals to relieve the shortage of medical staff.

“Our members were active,” said Dodge. “Many were heads of war relief programs in the city.”

The Club collected money to buy personal items for wounded soldiers, and monthly hospitality events were held to entertain the soldiers from the Army Air Force Weather School.

“At the end of the war, the Club celebrated and offered thanksgiving for victory,” said Dodge. “And now it was time to plan for the future.”

1950 brought a revolution of the WCC bulletin

The bulletin was an extremely important part of WCC right from the beginning with its first editor, Miss Christine Keck. The WCC’s third president, Keck was the first to realize that included ads would defray cost.

Marcie Woods (right) signs a copy of the centennial book for a member (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

Next came Miss Mabel Allen, who edited the bulletin for 35 years. Allen was in charge of all ads and editing, but had two dozen women gathering information and writing articles. The bulletins were now 50 pages long, with 40 ads in the January 1950 edition alone.

The bulletin covered all Club activities, added humor, and kept local women in touch with the world. It presented local and national issues and urged members to vote.

“It showed us where we could be active,” said Woods. “The goal was for each woman to be noteworthy in the life of the city.”

WCC ended the decade with an all-time high of 2,400 members and another 400 on the waiting list.

The 1960s were a tipping point

WCC members talk during the reception (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

Membership remained at a high of 2,400. Three hundred of those members were on committees. They gave over 40,000 hours of volunteer work each year.

WCC began a six-week series on local national and international affairs issues. Armchair Cruises were established with a Club dinner featuring food related to the country shown on the slides. Exceptionally well-attended, Armchair Cruises continued for 20 years.

At the end of the decade, the Club still had 2,400 members but the waiting list had dropped to 36.

The 1960s were a tipping point for the entire nation. Clubs, churches and civic organizations all showed declining numbers.

The 1970s introduced a time of firsts

The Club turned 50 years old. Women could register under their own names – they did not have to be “Mrs. Him.” They had the freedom of wearing more casual clothing, including sandals – and no hats.

Helen Claytor, the first African American woman in the United States to be president of a community YWCA, joined the WCC. It was also the national bicentennial and Grand Rapids sesquicentennial.

Membership dropped, decreasing Club income. At the end of the decade, the WCC dining room, bulletin, parking lot and library budgets were in deficit. After years aplenty, the Club had to dip into reserve funds.

Carol Dodge signs a copy of “Our First One Hundred Years” (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

The 1980s began with 1,700 members

Fashionettes continued, and the Travel Committee booked several trips. A WCC favorite was Barbara Rinella, who performed book reviews in costume for 15 years.

The women did what they could to save and raise money for the Club. But the decade still ended with a deficit, and membership dropped by 500, leaving only 1,200 members.

The 1990s was a decade of ups and downs

Mother Teresa and Princess Diana were lost. There was 24-hour coverage of Desert Storm. For the City Club, an “up” included $115,000 raised through a diligent campaign called Rising to the Future.

The board continued to vigorously promote membership and retention. The bylaws were amended to change the word “woman” to “person.” Joint ventures with the World Affairs Council and the Ladies Literary Guild were initiated, and the Club opened two Saturdays a month.

Budget issues remained a concern as house maintenance costs continued to mount. In 1998, a fundraising campaign was held, raising over $40,000 and enabling the Club to get through that decade.

It was apparent that changes needed to be made.

The world slipped quietly into the new century without Y2K predictions coming true

The world watched the horror of the 9/11 attacks and worried about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Women’s City Club stepped into the new century with anxiety, with anticipation of a committed membership, and a vision for the future.

The silver tea set is original to the Sweet House (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

“It was a decade of transition for the Club,” said Dodge. “We did continue the tradition of excellent programs and activities. We learned from city and world leaders.”

The Club’s Women’s City Antique Roadshow brought in people from the community. Club members donated clothing and gifts for children and clothing for women needing interview attire.

Because of budget deficits, their dwindling assets became a critical issue. Something had to be done.

“We had talked about it a long time, but now we had to make changes,” said Dodge. “We had to take action.”

An automated bookkeeping system and a strong marketing committee diligently promoting the Club were a few of those changes. They also held additional evening programs that were met with rave reviews.

The WCC formed the 501c3 Sweet House Foundation, allowing members and the community to donate tax-free dollars for the maintenance and preservation of the House.

This helped the Club end the last three years of the decade in the black and do much-needed maintenance and repairs on the clubhouse.

At the end of the decade, WCC had 223 members and 15 additional 50-year members.

The new decade began with relief, hope and high tech

WCC entered the electronic age with a website and social media presence. Simultaneously, the History Committee preserved the past by acquiring all 75 years of Club records and archiving them at the Grand Rapids Public Library.

Women’s City Club of Grand Rapids 100th birthday luncheon (Courtesy, WCC)

As an ArtPrize venue, tens of thousands came through the Sweet House, attracting more women to try a trial Club membership.

Things were looking up. Then the computer system crashed. The Club manager retired. The new management software was too complicated for staff to use. The dining room manager quit. The treasurer quit. In the new year, the general manager quit.

“And then came the bad news,” said Woods.

WCC’s reserve funds were almost gone. The accountants gave the Club six months until bankruptcy.

“We had choices,” said Woods. “Do nothing and let the Club die, stay in the House but close the dining room, or move to a different location.” Woods paused. “We chose to leave.”

On April 28, 2018, the WCC left their home of 91 years.

But…guess what?

“We are alive and well,” said Woods.

The WCC overcame decades of challenges and found new locations to meet and new opportunities for giving. Club members continued to create a legacy of compassion and charity through countless donations, by creating the Impact Award for juniors at Union High School, and creating a legacy that is embodied in the Sweet House.

“But that’s merely our physical legacy,” said Woods. “Our living legacy is our members. Many of our members throughout our history have been active in nearly every influential organization in the city.

We are women of influence, of impact, separately and together. And have been for 100 years.”

Woods continued, “Together, we find the support, inspiration, enrichment and friendship that tie us all together. Our social and educational programs, classes, and the opportunities to build relationships continue to offer the women of Grand Rapids a place to belong, to give back to the community.

“That is the history of the Women’s City Club.”

About the WCC historians

Carol Dodge worked in the insurance industry for over 35 years, is one of the founding members of the Sweet House Foundation, was WCC president from 2005-2007, and is a Club historian.

Marcie Woods was a professional educator who taught at several area schools, is editor-in-chief of the WCC bulletin, and also serves as a Club historian.

Women’s City Club celebrates 100 years of empowering women and serving their community

The Women’s City Club of Grand Rapids celebrates their 100th birthday (Courtesy, WCC)

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor


A champagne toast on Jan. 24 marked the 100th birthday of the Women’s City Club (WCC) of Grand Rapids.

A century of friendship and community outreach was celebrated with a centennial birthday luncheon in the Blythefield Country Club ballroom. The event served as the kick-off event for a year of planned activities highlighting WCC’s legacy.

(Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

And though some may think that the WCC is simply a social club, a closer look reveals that the Club is much more than a “coffee clutch,” as WCC President Wendy Sturm says.

“The City Club has had a great impact on the community of Grand Rapids,” says Sturm. “Not only have we lasted, we’re relevant.”

An historic footprint

“In 1924, a group of women in the community – the shakers and movers – got together and decided that there was a need for women to get together, be able to socialize, network with their interests, with their careers,” says Sturm. “And that was the very beginning of the Women’s City Club.”

Previous WCC President Kathleen Ray says that women were attracted to the WCC because it provided  opportunities for women to learn, communicate and network with other women at a time when that option was scarce.

One of the WCC’s historians, Marcie Woods, is intrigued by the diversity of the founding members.

“Diversity today seems to be boiled down to a racial issue, but they were so diverse in education, background, social class and occupation,” says Woods. “But they were all united in wanting a place where they could just be women.”

The WCC has stayed strong throughout the years for many reasons.

“In addition to being forward-thinking, the members of the Club have always been strong, creative leaders who are willing to invest their time and talent in the organization,” says Ray. “Flexibility and ingenuity were regularly used when facing challenges.”

That ingenuity was seen in the early years when the WCC convinced the telephone company to conduct a survey of Club membership about what programs they would like to see aired. The Club also accepted military payment certificates (script) as payment for dues and lunches during WWII, and converted all programs and events to Zoom during the pandemic.

“The city is our clubhouse”

Judge Sara Smolenski, special guest and long-time favorite of the WCC, gave the keynote presentation in honor of her late mother, a WCC member.

“When you think about ‘Cheers to 100 Years,’ you’re thinking of all the things the Women’s City Club has done over the years,” says Smolenski. “You travel around this great city, and that’s where you have your celebrations.

“The enrichment programs you have, the community outreach…it doesn’t go unnoticed.”

Judge Sara Smolenski, keynote speaker (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

Enriching lives

Sturm says there is a lot of enrichment and fulfillment to be found in the WCC, with education being a primary Club goal.

“We attend these fabulous lectures, and learn together,” says Sturm. “It provides a lot of experiences that you might not otherwise have.

(Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

“It stimulates you intellectually, socially, it provides a network of friendship that is really important.”

The WCC’s Enrichment Committee provides an abundance of programs for Club members. All programs relate to the Club’s mission statement: to provide educational, civic and social activities through study, community service and friendly associations.

“We have very well-rounded programming,” says Ray, citing programs about science and nature, arts and entertainment, philosophy, positive communication skills, fashion shows, book clubs, a Maj group, outreach opportunities – and more.

“We are not just little old ladies playing bridge,” Ray continues. “We are active, intelligent women who represent a wide variety of interests and passions.”

Making a difference

Equally important to the WCC is giving back to the community. This is accomplished through various nonprofits, charities and local schools.

The annual Impact Award was developed in conjunction with Union High School to provide an opportunity for high school juniors to win a cash scholarship.

WCC President Wendy Sturm welcomes members (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

“We wanted to provide an award that would inspire juniors to the next level, to reach out, to develop their skills and abilities and get ready for whatever path they choose in life,” says Sturm, adding that the award can be used in any way the winning student sees fit, without stipulations.

To apply, students present a piece of work that reflects a person that has had a great impact on their life to that point.

“[The work] can be music, it can be written, it can be artwork – however they can express themselves,” says Sturm. “We didn’t want to put people in a box and only have one type.

“We wanted to open it up so they can express themselves in any unique way, have an opportunity to be recognized, and have an opportunity to develop those skills.”

The scholarship winner is honored with a celebration lunch where they have an opportunity to talk with the WCC members.

“One of the most remarkable experiences I’ve had with the Women’s City Club is watching these juniors come up to the podium,” says Sturm. “They’re so nervous and timid, and their voices are very small – and as we engage them with our questions and our interest, they blossom.”

Their greatest legacy

“Our greatest legacy is that, for over 90 years, we had a historic home in Grand Rapids called the Sweet House,” says Sturm. “That was our clubhouse, and we wanted that to be taken care of for perpetuity.”

Diane Jones (left) chats with a guest (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

The Sweet House Foundation was formed with the sole intent of preserving the Sweet House and its contents.

“The WCC donated property, house, and contents – which included valuable paintings, musical instruments, and architectural details – and established the 501 C3 foundation,” says Ray.

“Grand Rapids has a historic home built in the mid-1800s that is being preserved for the future generations of Grand Rapids,” says Sturm. “We do very impactful things in the community, and [the Sweet House] is one that will live beyond all of us.”


Sturm went on to say that the Club women advocate for each other. “We respect each other; we really treasure each other.”

(Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

Ray agrees, saying, “The Club has provided me with a group of friends who are supportive, interesting and fun! They are unafraid to be themselves and voice their opinion – even if you don’t agree – because they know it’s a safe place.

“They are respectful, encouraging, and highly motivated. This Club is all about relationships, and I treasure the ones I have at the Club!”

The WCC has adopted the pink rose – which symbolizes friendship – as their Club flower.

As a memento of the WCC’s 100 years and those friendships, the Club designed and launched a jewelry collection featuring the pink rose. Each piece is customized, personalized, and stamped with the Club’s birth year.

What’s next in the centennial celebration?

The 100-Year Planning Committee formed several years ago in preparation for this year, culminating in a variety of planned events.

(Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

February will feature the launch of an online merchandise catalog for members.

In March, the WCC will join the Grand Rapids Public Museum (GRPM) for a Women’s History Month program.

“They are fascinated to have us as their guest to do this program and represent 100 years of women in the community of Grand Rapids,” says Sturm.

Kathleen Ray leads members in a toast (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

GRPM’s March 14 event will also feature the launch of “Our First 100 Years” history book written by WCC historians Carol Dodge and Marcie Woods. In addition to the book presentation, songs highlighting each decade will be performed on the piano.

The event is open to the public and free to attend. Free registration tickets for the event can be found here.

As 2024 progresses, the WCC will host a gala-style, red carpet event to recognize women throughout history who have been involved with the Club.

The centennial year will end with the WCC’s annual Evergreen Gala. 

“We have a wonderful legacy that I hope people will come and learn about through our celebrations throughout this year,” says Sturm.

“Cheers to 100 Years” – a toast by Kathleen Ray (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

Empowering women

“The group that we are today, we’re a very modern group of women,” says Sturm. “We’re shakers and movers in the community; we have a history of making things happen.

“And that was one of the reasons our group was founded. Leadership got together and wanted to socialize and make a difference – and they did.”

Interested in joining the WCC?

Individuals over 18 who are interested in becoming a member of the WCC may request an application from a member of the Club, the Membership Chair, or the Club Administer at wccgrbusiness@gmail.com.