Tag Archives: Wyoming Public Works Department

Travelers are asked to avoid 32nd Street due to train derailment

On Feb. 20, at approximately 9:31 p.m., officers and firefighters from the Wyoming Department of Public Safety responded to a train derailment which occurred underneath the 28th Street overpass just east of US-131. Two engines pulling the northbound train overturned when they reached a section of track that had been washed out due to recent heavy rain combined with snow melt. Emergency personnel rendered aid to two railroad employees who were injured as a result of the derailment. One patient was subsequently transported to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.


The derailment resulted in an unknown amount of fuel being spilled from the engine. Emergency crews worked with Young’s Environmental Cleanup Inc. and Wyoming Public Works personnel to contain and mitigate the spill. No other chemicals or cargo spilled and there were no hazardous materials being carried in the train cars. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and the Department of Natural Resources were notified.


This incident resulted in 28th Street and 32nd Street being shut down overnight. 28th Street has reopened, however, 32nd Street remains closed at this time. It will remain closed until the train can be moved later today. The incident is still under investigation and the public is being asked to avoid the area.

Retired City of Wyoming dump truck sees new life as crash attenuator


A former City of Wyoming dump truck has found new life as a crash attenuator vehicle for the City’s Public Safety Department – Fire Division. The refurbished attenuator, which would have cost $127,000 if purchased new, was built by City staff for less than half the cost.


The crash attenuator is a safety device that reduces the damage to structures, vehicles and motorists resulting from a motor vehicle collision. It is also designed to redirect vehicles away from hazards on the road. In the event of a crash or emergency situation on a roadway, the attenuator will be set up to protect the scene from passersby, thereby ensuring safety for public safety officials, emergency technicians, pedestrians and victims. The vehicle will also be used by the Public Works Department staff while performing repairs on major streets, protecting both staff and equipment.  This type of vehicle has not been a part of the City’s fleet in the past.


Prior to its transformation, the crash attenuator truck was used as a dump truck by the City’s Public Works Department. For over 15 years the dump truck hauled debris, assisted in water and sewer emergencies and plowed roads. When it became apparent that its usefulness was coming to an end, staff proposed the transition to a crash attenuator rather than sending the vehicle to auction. Thanks to a $20,000 grant from the Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority (MMRMA), the vision quickly became reality.


“The safety of our staff is paramount, but the high price of equipment can be a constraint,” said City Manager Curtis Holt. “We’re fortunate to have a team of smart, visionary people who are constantly coming up with innovative, cost-effective solutions. The grant funding from MMRMA was also integral to making this happen, and we’re grateful for their support.”


Ted Seil, fleet supervisor for the City of Wyoming, led the project and oversaw the truck’s transformation. “Converting the dump truck into a new use was a unique project for the fleet services technicians. We’re pleased with the results and the cost-savings, and we’re happy to know our colleagues will be safe out on the road when responding to emergencies.”


Since the completion of the attenuator truck, it has been used six times. In each case Wyoming public safety officials and staff have remained safe while responding to emergency situations.

WKTV Journal: Local election, leaf disposal, and ‘Willy Wonka’

The 2017 elections have come and gone with Kentwood residents re-electing Stephen Kepley to a second term as mayor and Emily Bridson as the new First Ward City Commissioner. The rest of the Kentwood City positions, including newcomer Tom McKelvey as Second Ward City Commissioner, were unopposed. Also both The Rapid’s and the Wyoming Public School’s millage proposals were approved. Passage of The Rapid millage means continuing bus service in both the cities of Wyoming and Kentwood. The Wyoming Public School’s millage will allow the district to invest $79.5 million in infrastructure over the next two decades. Fall has arrived and the big question on everyone’s mind now is what to do with all those leaves.


If you live in the City of Wyoming, you have a number of options for disposing of leaves and other yard waste materials. One is curbside pick up with takes places Dec. 2 in the City of Wyoming. All items must be placed in paper bags and be out by 6 a.m.


We are quickly moving into the holidays which are full of many sweet delights. One of those cooking up something tasty is Wyoming’s Master Arts Theatre. The company has partnered with the Van Singel Fine Arts Center to present “Willy Wonka the Musical,” which will run Nov. 30 – Dec. 2. Visit www.vsfac.com for more information.


And another holiday favorite is the annual Santa Parade hosted by the Wyoming Kentwood Area Chamber of Commerce. This year’s parade will be Dec. 2 starting at 10 a.m. on South Division Avenue from 34th Street to Murray Street. Santa will be available for pictures at Brann’s Sizzlin’ Steaks & Sports Grill at 4132 S. Division.


Other annual holiday events are Wyoming Gives Back set for Dec. 7 at the Rogers Plaza Mall; the Kentwood Tree Lighting Ceremony set for Dec. 8 at the Kentwood Richard L. Root Library and Wyoming’s Great Candy Cane Hunt set for Dec. 9 at the Wyoming Department of Public Safety.


WKTV Journal’s newscast premiers biweekly on Monday at 8 p.m., and then is broadcast at various times and dates on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 25 and 26, and on AT&T Channel 99 Community channel.  Stay connected to your community by visiting wktvjournal.org.