By WKTV Staff
Quote of the Day
“We're all in the same boat ready to float off the edge of the world. The flat old world.”
― The Band (from the song "Life is a Carnival")

Life is a carnival
West Michigan families are invited to come out to Lamar Park, 2561 Porter St SW, and enjoy carnival rides, food, and games April 26 – May 5. The carnival will be open Monday through Thursday from 4–8:30 p.m., Friday from 2– 8:30 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from noon–8:30 p.m. For the complete story, visit here.

Eat your veggies!
VeggieCon, an event to educate the community more about healthy options, is coming at Encounter Church, 4620 Kalamazoo Ave. SE., Kentwood, on Saturday, April 27. 10 am. to 2 p.m. Along with many family friendly activities, there will be April 27, there will be a fresh produce display on site so people can see what produce is available at local farm stands. For the complete story, visit here.

(Strange) creature comforts
The Grand Rapids Public Museum’s “Expedition: Dinosaur exhibition” has been extended, so visitors can now explore the fascinating world of dinosaurs and the hunt for their fossils through May 12. This exhibit has something for all ages, from life-sized and life-like animatronic dinosaurs – some controlled by visitors – to mechanical and electronic learning stations. For the complete story, visit here.
Fun fact:
240 million years
You may know that the world was full of dinosaurs 99 million years ago, but crocodilian creatures, including current crocodiles themselves – have been on Earth for an estimated 240 million years. Talk about adaptable! (Source)