By WKTV Staff
Members of the The Tree Amigos – City of Wyoming Tree Commission and the Wyoming Historical Commission will plant four redbud trees at the Wyoming Veteran’s Memorial Garden for WWII and Korean War veterans on Nov. 6 at 5 p.m.
Only one evergreen tree (not pictured) currently remains to the east of the monument. With funding from the Greater Wyoming Community Resource Alliance, The Tree Amigos and Historical Commission plan to spruce up the memorial originally erected in 1945 at the intersection of Lee Street and Porter Street. Plantings adjacent to the monument will be updated in the spring.
“The Wyoming Historical Commission is grateful to The Tree Amigos for beautifying the Wyoming Honor Roll Memorial dedicated to our veterans from Wyoming who served during WWII and the Korean Wars,” says Vicki Briggs, board member of The Historical Commission.
“This memorial was dedicated on May 30, 1945. The original plantings had been removed due to their age and now will be renewed.”
Tree dedication ceremony
A brief ceremony dedicating the trees and remembering the veterans named on the monument will take place at 12 p.m. on Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11.
Representatives from the City of Wyoming and the Historical Commission will say a few words, along with American Legion Post 154 Post Commander Keith Wakefield. The Tree Amigos will also make an announcement about future projects.
“That’s so exciting, and I appreciate what Tree Amigos is doing to beautify the neighborhood,” says Kalene McElveen, owner of Tasteful Vegan Ice Cream Shop, a business adjacent to the planting site.
Local history
Among those named on the memorial are family members of The Tree Amigos chairperson, Estelle Slootmaker: Boyce Slootmaker (WWII), Howard Joyce (Korean War), and Clayton Burkholder (WWII).
Lieutenant Commander Roger B. Chaffee was added to the memorial in 1967. Born and raised in Wyoming, Chaffee died on Jan. 27, 1967 in the Apollo spacecraft flash fire during a launch pad test at Kennedy Space Center, FL.