The Most Unique Mac games you need to play from May 2015

Variety is the spice of Mac gaming, if last month’s top releases are any indication. Sure, tactical action, space shooting/exploration, and point-and-click adventures are all tried-and-true gaming concepts. But have you ever played a first-person cat simulator wherein the goal is simply to knock everything over? How about a game in which your actions as a housekeeper might help decide the fate of a civil war?

Needless to say, Mac gaming is more diverse—and exciting—than ever, and we’ve picked some games from May that grabbed our attention. Whatever your tastes, you’ll surely find something interesting and unique to play in this bunch.

Audiosurf 2

Audiosurf is gospel amongst music gaming fans, as it’s able to transform your entire music library into a seemingly endless array of rhythmic challenge stages. And now, after a lengthy Steam Early Access period, the sequel is fully available to purchase and enjoy.

What’s new about Audiosurf 2 ($15)? True, it maintains the same general approach: Each song you play is transformed into a rollercoaster-like track full of beat-matched icons to collect with a hovercraft. However, along with a nice visual upgrade, it’s been made very mod-friendly, with an array of game modes, graphic options, and other tweaks provided by the community. It already has more than 500 free mods to try out, so if you have a big music library and a lot of time, Audiosurf 2 can satisfy for ages.


You’ve probably never played anything quite like Sunset ($20). Inspired by the idea of what innocent bystanders experience in the worlds of first-person shooters, this adventure game puts you in the role of a housekeeper in a fictional South American country in 1972 following a military coup.

Once a week, for an hour at a time, you clean the apartment of a wealthy, powerful man who starts leaving crucial intelligence in plain sight. Do you breach his privacy by going through his belongings and sharing information with revolutionaries? Is he intentionally trying to send you a message? Will you play a role in the downfall of Anchuria’s dictator, or let history run its course?

Catlateral Damage

Cats are wonderful, but let’s face it: Cats are also sort of the worst, especially if you’re not around to pet them 24/7. But rather than scream at your furry friends for their indiscretions, why not try seeing it through their eyes? That’s where Catlateral Damage ($10) comes into play.

Truth be told, there’s no sympathizing to be found here: You’ll simply play as a cat and try to knock everything onto the ground in each room you explore. It’s a first-person game, but you’re armed only with your two paws—and power-ups found around each area. Catlateral Damage looks and sounds superbly silly and stupid, but that’s obviously the point. It’s time to get in touch with your feline side.

Vertiginous Golf

Check out the game’s official description: “Vertiginous Golf ($20) is a dystopian steampunk mini-golf adventure game set in the skies above an alternate world where life on the ground is enveloped in permanent smog, constant darkness, and never-ending rain.” Yeah, hard to beat that description!

In other words, it’s no Tiger Woods—or even Hot Shots Golf. And it’s a weird one, indeed. You’ll play on courses suspended in the clouds and draped with Victorian design influences, with an array of unique power-ups available to manipulate your ball towards its destination. And you can even create and share your own custom courses. If you like golf but don’t love realism or nature, Vertiginous Golf might satisfy.

