By WKTV Staff

The Rapid is moving to become more green with renewable natural gas (RNG) while expanding its routes to aid in employment opportunities.
In April, The Rapid announced it has begun receiving EPA-certified renewable natural gas from the City of Grand Rapids’ biodigester, which is a major milestone in a multi-year effort to create a partnership that upholds a shared commitment to sustainability.
“The partnership speaks to innovative ways that local governments can work with regional partners and support their sustainability goals while also reinforcing the City’s commitment to building a safe and healthy community,” said James Hurt, Grand Rapids’ managing director of Public Services.
The Rapid has been working to transition its bus fleet away from diesel fuel to lower-emission potions since 2017, and the new partnership will create a renewable fuel source captures methane from the decomposition process, converting it into usable vehicle fuel and redirecting the waste away from local landfills.
“We’re fueling a cleaner fleet and significantly reducing our carbon footprint,” said Deb Prato, CEO of The Rapid. “This innovative partnership represents the creativity and collaboration that is necessary to develop strategies across multiple sectors to create better outcomes for the climate and the community.”
RNG fuel is considered carbon-negative, producing the lowest carbon intensity of any on-road vehicle fuel. The Rapid will be able to utilize this fuel immediately in the fleet without the need for massive infrastructure changes or investments.
The Rapid’s fleet currently consists of 133 buses, 102 of which will have the capacity to run fully on RNG. Diesel buses will continue to be retired and replaced by RNG vehicles, in a continued effort to reach zero emissions by 2023.
Starting this week, The Rapid announced its Route 8 Prairie/Rivertown will now have two weekday trips serving Michigan Turkey Producers.
“Our diverse workforce represents a large community of people in West Michigan with a wide range of transportation needs,” said MaryAnne McCaffrey, Vice President of Human Resources at Michigan Turkey Producers. “A stop at our location will ensure a safe and reliable commute for our employees.”
Route 8 will have two weekday trips, the first trip departing from Rapid Central Station at 6:45 a.m. and the second trip departing from Michigan Turkey at 4:58 p.m. The 6:45 a.m. trip will follow its regular route to Rivertown, continuing to Michigan Turkey Producers on Chicago Drive. The 4:58 p.m. trip will take a left on Burlingame and travel directly to Michigan Turkey Producers, before returning to Godfrey and then to Rapid Central Station. All previous stops along Route 8 will continue to be served.
“We are dedicated to improving the lives of our community across the six cities by offering reliable transportation options that improve access to employment opportunities and effectively remove barriers,” said Deb Prato, CEO of The Rapid.