By WKTV Staff
The Kent County Recycling Center in Grand Rapids will close to all inbound loads of recyclables at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 27, to limit exposures to COVID-19 to Kent County staff and workers, the Kent County Department of Public Works announced March 26.
“The recycling center employs 40 people who handle the recyclables throughout the sorting process,” the announcement stated. “Due to the proximity of workstations on the processing line, maintaining six feet of separation between workers isn’t possible to maintain operations and minimize worker exposure to the COVID-19 virus. As other manufacturing processors shut down their facilities, Kent County’s ability to transport recyclables to processors and end-users has constricted.”
Beginning 5 p.m. on Friday, March 27, the recycling center will temporarily close to all inbound loads and to all recycling activities. The residential recycling drop-off station at North Kent Recycling & Waste Center will also temporarily close, also beginning at 5 p.m. on March 27. All recyclables normally delivered to these facilities must either be held until the recycling center reopens or placed in a bag for disposal in the trash.
“Kent County’s South Kent Landfill, Waste-to-Energy Facility and North Kent Transfer Station remain open to provide critical solid waste disposal services that sustain and protect public health in our community, as determined by the Department of Homeland Security and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency,” according to the county announcement. “Residents are reminded to bag all trash before placing it at the curb for pickup by a waste hauler to reduce the risk of exposure to waste workers from items like used tissues and other personal hygiene products.”
The Kent County Department of Public Works provides municipal solid waste disposal services to ensure the effective removal, storage and disposal of residential and commercial solid waste. Additionally, Public Works operates the Kent County Waste-to-Energy Facility, an electrical generation facility. More information about service changes at Kent County Department of Public Works facilities is available at reimaginetrash.org.