By Office Jenni Eby
Wyoming Department of Public Safety
Welcome to the Traffic Tuesday question. Each week, the question will be posted on Tuesday, and the answer posted Thursday.
An officer is called to an odd/even parking violation in the middle of January. When the officer arrives, there are two vehicles parked in violation of the odd/even ordinance. What enforcement action can occur, according to the ordinance?
- The vehicles can be given a ticket or warning
- The vehicles can be given a ticket or warning, and towed to the correct side of the roadway to make room for the plows
- The vehicles can be given a ticket or warning, immediately towed, and impounded at the owners expense
- I’m not sure, I’ll check back Thursday!
The City of Wyoming’s odd/even parking takes affect Dec. 1. It is enforceable from midnight to 7 p.m. Cars are to be parked on the even numbered addresses on even numbered calendar days. On odd number days, residents may park in front of the odd number addresses. Those in cul-de-sacs may only park on the street on even numbered calendar days. Streets with “No Parking,” signs will continue to have no parking restrictions.
The odd/even parking is designed to allow the city’s snow plow trucks to be able to clear the streets after a snowfall.