Trunk-or-Treat gets accessorized with the Fall Festival (Note: Location Change!)

TrunkorTreat2Children in costumes, candy coming through their ears, and laughter and smiles that can be seen from space!

Trick-or-Treating is an annual tradition around the nation on Halloween, but the City of Kentwood adds a little twist, instead of going door-to-door, the children go trunk-to-trunk. Why trick-or-treat when you can just as easily trunk-or-treat?

Trunk-or-Treat has become a holiday staple for the Kentwood Parks and Rec Department. It gives children an opportunity to dress up in their favorite costumes and trick-or-treat in a safe environment. The event is also a chance for those children who don’t live in neighborhoods to have a neighborhood brought to them!

This year, with a whole new staff running the event, the Kentwood Parks and Rec Department decided to add a little more fun to Trunk-or-Treat. Don’t think of it as a face-lift or a makeover, it’s more along the lines of accessorizing.

“We are excited about the new addition of the Fall Festival in conjunction with the Trunk or Treat event!” explained Lorraine Beloncis of the Kentwood Parks and Rec Department, “We’ve added hayrides, games, a bouncy house, music, cider & donuts and face painting along with our sponsored trunks handing out candy.”

TrunkorTreatThe addition of the Fall Festival should only add more smiles to a fun-filled day that families and children of all ages can enjoy. On top of all the fun events previously mentioned, there will be pumpkin racing, Halloween Plinko, and pumpkin ring toss.

Oh! I almost failed to mention, the children aren’t the only ones who get to dress up and show off their creative side. It’s encouraged for all participants to decorate and vote on their trunks as well!

Don’t miss out on all the fun of the Fall Festival! This years event is Saturday, October 24 from 10am-noon. Because of the weather, Fall Festival has been moved from its original location at Veteran’s Park to the Garage at Kentwood’s Public Works Department. The address is 5068 Breton Road, between 44th and 52nd Street.

