By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
Mary Beth Quillin echoed what many performers and actors are saying right now: “We’re excited to be back.”
Quillin and partner, both on and off the staff, Gary E. Mitchell, make up the company GEM Theatrics. The two will be returning to the performance stage next week, presenting one of their popular shows, “My Dearest Friend,” the story of founding father John Adams and his wife Abigail. The show will run Aug. 6-8 and 13 and 14 at the Lowell Arts Gallery, 223 W. Main St., Lowell.
“Originally we were invited to perform because for the LowellArts getting performers and crew in the summer can be difficult due to vacations and summer activities,” Quillin said of last year’s scheduled performance. She said LowellArts decided to bring in GEM Theatrics because the duo brought their own sets, costumes and actors requiring LowellArts to cover lighting and crew.
Also, Quillin said, the GEM Theatrics’ set fits nicely into the LowellArts Gallery, which is currently featuring the summer exhibit SOLO Together. The exhibit features the work of eight Michigan artists and represents a number of different media styles including painting, photography, mixed media sculpture, metal sculpture, mixed media drawing, tissue paper collage, and woodblock prints.
“Basically, people could still walk around the gallery and be able to look at the art,” Quillin said.
GEM Theatrics is a local theater company that has performed around West Michigan. In fact, Quillin’s and Mitchell’s name might be familiar to some as Quillin recently directed two Jewish theater productions including the December taped production “Kunstler,” which featured Mitchell in the title role.

“So we have been doing things,” Quillin said, adding that it is nice to be able to get back into a theater space and present a show.
“My Dearest Friend,” written by local playwright Mary G. Kron, is based on the letters between John and Abigail Adams. Prolific letter writers, the couple’s story is told through flashback as they witness the American Revolution and the birth of a nation. “My Dearest Friend” is a featured performance in the Michigan Arts and Humanities Touring Directory.
The production will be at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday with playwright Kron attending for an audience talk back about the play. Advanced tickets are $18/general admission and $16/LowellArts members. At the door, tickets are $2 more. For tickets, call 616-897-8545.