Unlimited access to online content raises concerns about increased risks to adolescents and teens

Director of Clinical Services at Wedgwood Christian Services, Brina Tiemeyer, talks about how unlimited access to social media and online content poses risks to our youth.

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor


Brina Tiemeyer, WCS Director of Clinical Services (Courtesy, WCS)

Concerns are being raised about the harmful ramifications of self-diagnosis and increases of mental illness due to adolescents and teens having unlimited access to online content.

Wedgwood Christian Services (WCS) Director of Clinical Services Brina Tiemeyer recently talked with WKTV Journal about children – especially teens – having devices and 24/7 access to the internet. This concern stems from the alarming uptick in depression, anxiety, loneliness and suicide resulting from social media.

“We may often think of the ability to connect on social media and access to endless content online as a huge benefit to awareness of a variety of mental health challenges,” said Tiemeyer.

While there is certainly something to be said for increased accessibility to resources for those in communities where it is lacking, and the ability to find a wider circle of support of people dealing with similar challenges, the book and other research highlights that it can also come with some risks for children, teens and young adults, most notably self-diagnosis.”

While social media can be a place where teens can get advice and tips, it does not allow for fact-checking.

“A lot of the content on social media is from influencers or peers who maybe don’t hold the proper education or credentials or merit,” said Tiemeyer.

“The advice may work for that individual in their own lives, but when our teens are utilizing social media and the phone platforms so heavily, they are then going down that potentially harmful path of creating their own diagnosis, creating their own treatment plans. Which in return can decrease the mental health impacts on their lives.”

Fast-paced and oversimplified

Social media platforms such as TikTok, have short-form, fast-paced content that is oversimplified. Many influencers use that platform to post content regarding their personal mental health.

(Courtesy, pxhere.com)

“Kids are lonely. Social media can be so enticing because they’re searching for community, a place to feel understood,” said Tiemeyer.

Youth find validation when they see other people experiencing the same struggles. While that is a benefit, Tiemeyer said, the content does not address the complexity and variation of mental illness and how the same diagnosis can present very differently in two individuals.

“Adolescents and teens see these quick, short-form lists, and they use them as a checklist for their own challenges.”

Examples: Depression and ADHD

Depression can present differently between age groups, genders, life experiences, health factors and severity.

“When you go to the social media platform, it’s just a checklist of what depression is,” said Tiemeyer. “It doesn’t go into the content or details that look very different depending on your individualization of the presentation.”

(Courtesy, pxhere.com)

Another issue Tiemeyer often encounters are youth who feel they have checked all the boxes a social media video presents.

“A big one recently is ADHD,” said Tiemeyer. “They check all the boxes on ADHD, [but] ADHD can present as Generalized Anxiety Disorder. We’ll have teens come to an intake appointment, and they’re against taking the advice of the medical professional because they’ve had an excess of misinformation.”

Awareness and reduced stigma of mental health issues on social media is beneficial, empowering youth to seek care. However, those same youths often do not believe a medical professional if what they say goes against what they saw on social media.

“It has created a barrier within that therapeutic relationship prior to the relationship even starting,” said Tiemeyer. “Our therapists are trying to address the symptomatology of the individual sitting in front of them, but [youth] are coming in with this barrier of: But you need to treat me with what I’ve self-diagnosed myself with, what my favorite influencer on TikTok told me I had, versus what the medical expertise or professional is saying the true diagnosis is and what the treatment needs to be.”

Prevention through validation

How do we help our youth find the most beneficial path? Provide validation, Tiemeyer says.

“We’re all seeking validation,” said Tiemeyer. “That’s not necessarily bad or unhealthy, so providing validation that social media can be good, but then having those crucial conversations regarding the importance of lived experience and individuality, and how mental health can present differently based on different factors.”

Create space for conversation

(Courtesy, pxhere.com)

“We need to create a space for crucial conversations in real life,” said Tiemeyer. “Not hide behind our screens.

“If I have a dialogue back and forth, it’s going to be very different than if I’m having a one-sided conversation by watching a clip.”

We all need to feel believed, capable and safe, Tiemeyer continued. Avoiding invalidation and all-or-nothing thinking – such as telling others not to believe what they see on social media – is vital.

“We need to have this open mind, curiosity to understand, and willingness to learn so we can empower them to feel believed, capable and safe,” said Tiemeyer.

Appropriate oversight

“When we prep our adolescents to drive, there are stages to that,” said Tiemeyer, citing hours of practice, oversight and guidance. “Some may feel that’s way too intense to do [for] social media usage, but it shouldn’t be.

“We should empower the act of using social media because digital content is not going away. Empower it, but then provide them with the skills to utilize it in a safe manner.”

(Courtesy, pxhere.com)

Find help and guidance here:

WCS provides tip sheets for families on this topic. Mashable.com is also a reliable source of information on those hot topics of self-diagnosis and healthy online usage.

WCS also offers a six-week trauma-informed parenting class where one of the modules discusses appropriate social media usage.

Parent support partners connect families to active groups that provide training via role play to empower parents to have those conversations with their children.

Crossing that “line”

“If it gets to a point where you’re feeling suicidal or experiencing a crisis, it’s past the point of looking for that online community,” said Tiemeyer. “It’s time to talk to someone.”

(Courtesy, pxhere.com)

Reach out to the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, or consider using 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Chat.

Call Wedgwood Christian Services’ intake line at 616-942-7294 to connect with a medical professional and begin that step of treatment.

“We know there is an increase in de-stigmatization around mental health treatment,” said Tiemeyer. “However, we also know that the second leading cause of death for children is suicide. There is a time where we need to intervene as the adults in that child’s life and get them the help they need.”

As a mother, Tiemeyer empathizes with parents who don’t want to hinder their relationship with their child by intervening.

“My response to that is: They have to be alive to have that relationship,” said Tiemeyer. “When it comes to the point of hopelessness and suicidality, we’re past the point of worrying about that relationship, and we’re at that point of: Let’s keep my child alive so I can keep growing that relationship.

Meeting community needs

Click here for a full list of programs and services available through WCS.

For more information about teen phone and social media use, Tiemeyer recommends reading Jonathan Haidt’s new book, The Anxious Generation.

