By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
Wyoming High School Senior Long Ho took the school’s Alpha Wolf assembly in stride. He cheered with his classmates as the names of the sophomore and junior Alpha Wolfs were announced, but as teacher John Doyle began to describe the first of the two senior Alpha Wolfs, he became quiet, putting his down.
“He demands so much of himself,” Doyle said. “When he first got [to the high school], he was afraid to speak in front of groups and he went from there to running about every club the school has, robotics, science olympic…”

With hands over his head, Ho began to cry. His friends seated around him patted his back and shoulders whispering to him.
“Your 12th grade senior Alpha Wolf is,” Doyle paused and looked directly at the Wyoming High School senior class, “ Long Ho.” The entire auditorium of almost 900 attendees erupted in cheers as Ho stood up and walked down to accept his award and hugs from him his family.
Started in 2016, the Alpha Wolf 11 Champion of Character award recognizes six students each semester and one teacher each year for character and treating others by “being kind, compassionate, and gracious” according to Principal Nate Robrahn. Those words are also part of the school’s motto. The award has nothing to do with what a student does in extracurriculars after school but instead focuses on what they do during school hours, as people, to make the school a better place, Robrahn said. “It is the supreme pack leader who on a scale from one to 10 is an 11.”

The student body nominates the students they feel should receive the award with faculty, support staff and administration having a say on the final six, which is made up of two from the sophomore, junior and senior classes. This year, it was noted that more than 700 students from the 900 at Wyoming High School voted, a record for the Alpha Wolf program.
In fact, the Alpha Wolf program has become so well received that teachers now do “Shout Outs” to students who also have exemplified the school’s motto. This year, the students approached Doyle, who with teacher Jon Bushen, organized the event, about doing “Shout Outs” for the teachers. Doyle noted that is shows just how well received the program has been.

So in front of the entire student body, special guests such as Wyoming Department of Public Safety Chief Kimberly Koster and Wyoming Assistant City Manager Megan Sall and guest speaker John Angotti, six students were recognized with every name causing the auditorium to erupt with cheers and applause.
Seniors: Along with Cho, Raelynn Watkins received the Alpha Wolf award. Described as the school’s “Wonder Woman,” Raelynn’s super strengths included lifting up others, generosity and brining people together. “She has been known to take the money she earned from her job and go to the store, dropping off items to others who needed it, often without them knowing who did it,” Doyle said.

Juniors: To shouts of “That’s my man!”, Juan-Pablo Marcos was named an Alpha Wolf. Known as “that theater, band kid,” he always has a smile on his face, Doyle said, adding he just makes people happy. Marcos is familiar to many both in school and outside as he has performed in an number of the school’s theater productions including most recently “The 25th annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.”
Known for playing one of the largest instruments in the high school’s band, the baritone saxophone, Nolan Weatherby, was named an Alpha Wolf. Weatherby brings a source of pride to all he does and to all he meets, Doyle said.

Sophomores: The nomination comments received for Hanna Martinez pretty much wrote her Alpha Wolf narrative, according to Doyle. “Her goal is to make people happy,” he said. “She is a great listener, sweet person and positive. She greats everyone with ‘Hello Beautiful,’ making everyone feel welcome.”
For some Alpha Wolfs, they don’t know they are leading and such is the case of Marshaun Morris, Doyle said. “No matter how his day is going, he gives a positive attitude to everyone,” Doyle said, adding that he motivates people to be better, making everyone feel special.

Selected as the Alpha Wolf Teacher for the 2017-2018 year was math teacher Jeff Kordich. According to the student presenters, Kordich is known for being in a good mood, passing those positive vibes to others, and for his generosity.