By Deborah Reed
WKTV Managing Editor
Wyoming police officers were the recipients of heartfelt appreciation and gratitude from community members on Thursday, Dec. 12.
While snow, wind and ice descended upon West Michigan – closing numerous schools and forcing many residents to work from home – Wyoming police officers donned uniforms and reported for duty.
As officers filed into the police station at 7 a.m. for a routine training session, they were met by 15 community members who took turns verbally expressing gratitude for the officers’ service to the community.

Coordinated by iCI Nation founder Jennifer Franson and sponsored by W2W Healthy You, the Christmas Connect presentation featured a hot breakfast prepared by Wyoming Police Chief Kim Koster, Captain Eric Wiler, and Captain Tim Pols, as well as over several dozen donuts from Marge’s Donut Den.
“In the spirit of the season, we get to lead with peace and goodwill,” said Franson in supplied material.
Voicing gratitude
In a show of love and support, local community members – including residents, pastors, media professionals, nonprofit leaders, and more – honored the gathered police officers by each voicing an individual thank you, sharing personal ties to the law enforcement community, and praying over the officers before leaving.
“All of these people came here, in this weather, because they understand and appreciate everything you do,” Franson told the WPD officers during the presentation. “We know that you all are going out and dealing with things every day that we don’t want to have to deal with.”
Franson went on to say that it is important for local law enforcement officers to know that the community recognizes and supports their work as they put their lives on the line each day to keep our community safe.
“We want you to know that we’ve got your back,” one community member told WPD officers during the presentation.
Strengthening our cities
iCI Nation has been building successful partnerships between community and law enforcement since 2016. The local nonprofit is dedicated to providing a healthy environment that brings citizens, police officers and organizational resources together to create a stronger and healthier city.
“ICI reignites police hearts and passion for the mission of protecting and serving,” says Wyoming Police Chief Kim Koster. (iCI Nation website)
Those connections are forged through monthly iCI Nation events for the community and police, including prayer gatherings for the faith community, presentations, and lunch and learns. The organization also builds collaborations through various local organizations and events.
Craig G. Founder of the PeaceWalker Project says, “The difference that iCI has made in this community is nothing short of extraordinary.” (iCI Nation website)
Learn more about iCI Nation and how you can help honor local law enforcement here.