By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
There is an undercurrent of excitement building in the City of Wyoming as new developments get underway within the city.
With that in mind, the city has announced that it has formerly launched a new master plan process, called Wyoming [re]Imagined.
“The City of Wyoming is growing and changing at an accelerated rate, and it’s important that we take the time to develop an updated plan,” said City Planner Nicole Hofert. “Wyoming [re]Imagined will provide the city with a new land use plan, updated housing studies, goals for economic development, and a framework to guide strategic investments over the next 20 years.”
And the city is going to start this process next week with a community workshop set for Thursday, May 2, at the KDL Wyoming Branch, 3350 Michael Ave. SW. The workshop will be from 6 – 8 p.m.

Residents, visitors, business owners, and anyone with an interest in the City of Wyoming may attend the workshop. At the event, participants will learn about the process as well as provide insight on local concerns that the master plan should address. According to Assistant City Manager Megan Sall, community leaders believe that resident feedback is critical as they identify important issues, opportunities and projects for the future.
The city’s current master plan is about 13 years old and was revised about seven years ago in 2012. Since the revision, the city has implemented the first phase of its 28 West project, which included the redevelopment of the Wyoming Village Mall, now called 28 West Place. This project also has brought in a new apartment development.
City leaders and the council approved a new form-based code for the Division Avenue and 28th Street corridors. There also has been several housing developments underway, including the Granger Group’s The Reserve, which broke ground last fall and development continues at The Metro Health Village.
Sall said the city does have some green space. A vision for the city’s future growth and development will help in planning how that green space is used, she said.
“My fellow council members and I are proud to serve this community, and we are excited for what the future holds,” Mayor Jack Poll said. “The master plan will provide a platform to integrate plans from across the City and region, and it will unite us under a common vision and set of goals. It is my sincere hope that all Wyoming residents will lend their voices to this important work.”
The Wyoming City Council contracted with planning firm House Lavigne Associates who will carry out the work on the master plan with city staff.
In addition to the community workshop on May 2, the public engagement process includes the following:
· Two additional community workshops
· Pop-up meetings at locations across Wyoming
· Student/youth workshops
· Focus groups
· Interactive website
· Surveys, including innovative digital mapping tools
For more information visit www.wyomingreimagined.com.
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