By The Wyoming Tree Commission
The City of Wyoming Tree Commission, “The Tree Amigos,” has four reasons to celebrate Arbor Day 2018.
Tree City USA. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has informed the City of Wyoming that the Arbor Day Foundation has designated the City of Wyoming as a 2017 Tree City USA community. This is the City’s second year as a designee. To receive the designation, cities must have a tree board or department, a tree-care ordinance, an annual community forestry budget of at least $2 per capita, and an Arbor Day observance and proclamation.
Tree-covery Block by Block. On April 21, The Tree Amigos and student volunteers will plant 24 street trees in the City. Planting will begin 9 a.m. in the 4200 block of Flamingo Avenue SW where ten Wyoming residents have signed up for the project. The volunteers will plant another fourteen trees at other residents’ homes in various locations throughout the City. The Wyoming residents will help plant and pledge to maintain the hearty tree sapling in front of their homes. A matching-funds grant from the Michigan DNR Urban and Community Forestry Program and the USDA Forest Service, State and Private Forestry Program helped cover the cost of this project.
Beverly Bryan Community Orchard. NOTE: This event has been moved to May. The Tree Amigos will join West Elementary students and volunteers recruited by Kent School Services Network (KSSN) at Wyoming’s West Elementary School after school to plant ten more fruit and nut trees at the Beverly Bryan Community Orchard. Named for the late wife of the Tree Commission’s vice president Greg Bryan, who provided funding, the orchard was started August 30, 2017 with five, rescued heirloom apple trees, donated by Habitat for Humanity. Other funding comes from a Slow Food West Michigan Biodiveristy Mini-grant, Greater Wyoming Resource Council, District 77 Giveback and private donations in memory of Beverly Bryan.
Arbor Day Proclamation. At 10 a.m. Friday April 27. Wyoming City Commissioner Kent VanderWood will read the 2018 City of Wyoming Arbor Day Proclamation during a special celebration at Wyoming West Elementary School. After the speech, West Elementary students will sing a few songs to celebrate the community orchard.
For information on The City of Wyoming Tree Commission, like The Tree Amigos on Facebook or email TreeAmigosWyoming@gmail.com.