by The City of Wyoming

The Veteran’s Memorial Garden of the City of Wyoming began in 1995, as a vision of area veteran’s groups. With the assistance of many supporters, the City was able to complete the first phase of this beautiful garden when they dedicated the memorial walkway to all branches of the armed forces. Nestled adjacent to the Wyoming Police Department on DeHoop Avenue, north of 28th Street, the garden has quickly become a visible symbol of our tribute to those who have honorably served our nation in peace time and in war.
The “Walk of Honor” is a beautiful walkway that serves as a reminder of those individuals who have given of themselves and answered the call of duty so that we might continue to enjoy the freedoms with which we are blessed. Along this walkway are monuments dedicated to each war that our country has faced, starting with the Revolutionary War. Bricks engraved with veteran’s names from each era surround these monuments.

These bricks are placed twice a year: once in the spring for Memorial Day and once in the fall for Veteran’s Day. It is hoped that this Walk of Honor will continue to grow and that it will not only serve as a place to honor veterans, but that it will also become an educational walkway for the greater community.
Memorial Bricks are $40.00 each, and this includes engraving and placement. If you are interested in purchasing a brick in order to honor a veteran, please do one of the following:
Download the MemorialBrickApp_2012
Open the link in a new tab
Print and complete the form
Return it with a check or money order to:
Wyoming Parks & Recreation Department
1155 – 28th Street SW
P.O. Box 905
Wyoming, MI 49509-0905
Complete and submit the online application
Online Memorial Brick Application
When submitting your application, please be aware that orders take 6 to 8 weeks for the bricks to be completed and shipped. April 1 is the deadline for a brick to be placed for Memorial Day and September 1 is the deadline for a brick to be placed for Veteran’s Day. If you have any questions or need assistance in completing the application, please call the the Wyoming Parks & Recreation Department at (616) 530-3164.